AF787 - Beyond 1000

Week 3, Day 1, All RPE 8 - 9

Bench, 1 x 2 - 235 x 2
Bench, 3 x 3 at 93% of Set 1 - 220 x 3
Barbell OHP, 3 x 8 - 90 x 8
Weighted Dips, 3 x 5-10 - BW + 25 x 10
Weighted Dips, 3 x 10-15 - BW + 15 x 15
Cable Upright Row, 3 x 15-20 - 90 x 20

  • 235 x 2 PR, a little quick off my chest, but more of a mental thing than a loss of strength. Just need to really trust myself.

  • It’s crazy how 220 feels ‘easy’ on bench now

  • Need to still go just a little deeper on dips. I have the strength to do it, just being mindful of where my body actually is at the bottom


Week 3, Day 2 RPE 8 - 9

DL - 1 x 2, 425
DL - 3 x 3, 90% of Set 1, 395
Safety Bar Squat - 1 x 1, 295
Safety Bar Squat - 2 x 6, 245
Hack Squat - 3 x 8, 270
Leg Curls - 3 x 15-20, 100 x 20
Calf Raises - 4 x 10 15-20, 255 x 20

  • DL positioning was a little hit or miss but I did a good job of being patient off the floor and not freaking out

  • SBS technique adjustments are feeling more and more automatic


Week 3, Day 3 RPE 8 - 9

Lat Pull Downs - 3 x 15, 120
Pull-ups - 3 x AMRAMP, 12
Machine Rows - 3 x 15, 125
DB Lateral Raises 1 3 x 15, 27.5
Face Pulls - 3 x 15, 47.5
Spider Curls - 3 x 15, 25

  • Back felt really swole after todays session

Week 3, Day 4 RPE 8 - 9

Bench - 1 x 4, 220
Bench - 3 x 4, 205
Chest Flies - 3 x 15, 110
Single Arm Tricep Pushdown - 3 x 15, 22.5
Cable Curls - 3 x 15, 35
DB Lateral Raises - 3 x 15, 30

  • One of those days I felt more fatigued than normal going in, but made it through with progress in my lifts.

  • I don’t know why I freak out at the 220 x 4, but I just rushed everything and at the end of the set, I knew I didn’t need to.

  • Got my technique dialed in otherwise


Week 3, Day 5 RPE 8-9

Squat, 1 x 3, 325
Squat, 1 x 3, 90% of Set 1, 310
Squat, 3 x 5, 295
Deficit DL, 1 x 3, 375
Deficit DL, 2 x 3, 345
Single Leg Extension, 3 x 10-15, 50 x 15
Calf Raises, 3 x 15, 265

  • Squats are continuing to get better. Just some clean up in and out of the hole, and I should be good. My feet especially are feeling more and more solid.

Week 3, Day 6 RPE 8-9

Spoto Press - 1 x 2, 225
Spoto Press - 3 x 4, 205
Machine Rows - 3 x 15, 120
Lat Prayers - 3 x 15, 65
Hammer Curls - 3 x 12, 40
Lateral Raises - 3 x 15, 30

  • Presses just felt a bit off throughout, but that’s how it is sometimes. Good job just working through it and not getting frustrated though.

Week 4, Day 1, All RPE 9 - 10

Bench, 1 x 2 - 240 x 2
Bench, 3 x 3 at 93% of Set 1 - 225 x 3
Barbell OHP, 3 x 8 - 95 x 8
Weighted Dips, 3 x 5-10 - BW + 30 x 10
Weighted Dips, 3 x 10-15 - BW + 20 x 15
Cable Upright Row, 3 x 15-20 - 95 x 20

  • 240 x 2 PR and first time all working sets (of more than one rep) are at or above 225!

  • Technique has felt just a little bit off. Might be my leverages changing a little over the course of the cut (down around 7-8 lbs), or just an off day. We’ll see, but I think I know what to tinker with.

  • Looked a bit juicy, especially in my shoulders post-workout!


Week 4, Day 2 RPE 9-10

DL - 1 x 2, 435
DL - 3 x 3, 90% of Set 1, 405
Safety Bar Squat - 1 x 1, 305
Safety Bar Squat - 2 x 6, 255
Hack Squat - 3 x 8, 280
Leg Curls - 3 x 15-20, 105 x 20
Calf Raises - 4 x 10 15-20, 275 x 20

  • First time all DL working sets are at or above 405!

  • Solid steady progress elsewhere and now to just keep cleaning things up


Week 4 Day 3 RPE 9-10

Lat Pull Downs - 3 x 15, 125
Pull-ups - 3 x AMRAMP, 13
Machine Rows - 3 x 15, 130
DB Lateral Raises 1 3 x 15, 30
Face Pulls - 3 x 15, 50
Spider Curls - 3 x 15, 27.5


Week 4 Day 4 RPE 9-10

Bench - 1 x 4, 225 x 5
Bench - 3 x 4, 210
Chest Flies - 3 x 15, 115
Single Arm Tricep Pushdown - 3 x 15, 25
Cable Curls - 3 x 15, 37.5
DB Lateral Raises - 3 x 15, 35

  • 225 x 5 fell way earlier than I anticipated based on how 225 x 3 an 220 x 4 felt earlier in the week/last week. On rep 4, the bar slowed a bit but I decided to just go for 5 reps and made it! If I had committed to 5 from the beginning instead of switching mid-set, it would have probably been a stronger 5th rep, but so happy to finally get this one, especially while on the cut!

  • Technique feels like it’s coming back too


Week 4, Day 5 RPE 9-1

Squat, 1 x 3, 335
Squat, 1 x 3, 90% of Set 1, 315
Squat, 3 x 5, 305
Deficit DL, 1 x 3, 385
Deficit DL, 2 x 3, 355
Single Leg Extension, 3 x 10-15, 55 x 15
Calf Raises, 3 x 15, 275

  • Just felt a bit all around fatigued and sluggish heading into the session and felt more wiped out than usual after

  • Squats are continuing to improve but still need to work on getting those new changes down


Week 4, Day 6 RPE 9-10

Spoto Press - 1 x 2, 230
Spoto Press - 3 x 4, 210
Machine Rows - 3 x 15, 125
Lat Prayers - 3 x 15, 70
Hammer Curls - 3 x 14, 40
Lateral Raises - 3 x 15, 35

  • Last day of the block done before the deload week starts and happy to close it out with some Spoto press PRs

Deload Week, Day 1, 90% of Week 4

Bench, 1 x 1 - 225
Bench, 3 x 3 at 93% of Set 1 - 210
Barbell OHP, 3 x 8 - 85 x 8
Weighted Dips, 3 x 5-10 - BW + 27.5 x 10
Weighted Dips, 3 x 10-15 - BW + 17.5 x 15
Cable Upright Row, 3 x 15-20 - 90 x 20

  • Time to recover and really hone in on details

  • Bench feeling really nice and smooth today


Deload Week, Day 2 90% of Week 4

DL - 1 x 2, 405
DL - 3 x 3, 90% of Set 1, 365
Safety Bar Squat - 1 x 1, 275
Safety Bar Squat - 2 x 6, 230
Hack Squat - 3 x 8, 250
Leg Curls - 3 x 15-20, 95 x 20
Calf Raises - 4 x 10 15-20, 255 x 20

  • In-line with past blocks, DLs always feel unusually heavy on my deload weeks. Nothing horrible, but they just don’t feel light in the way that bench and squat do.

  • Just a matter of being patient and trusting that I haven’t lost any strength. Otherwise, a good session


Deload Week, Day 3 90% of Week 4

Lat Pull Downs - 3 x 15, 115
Pull-ups - 3 x AMRAMP, 11
Machine Rows - 3 x 15, 120
DB Lateral Raises 1 3 x 15, 27.5
Face Pulls - 3 x 15, 45
Spider Curls - 3 x 15, 22.5

  • For the lower intensity and volume got a pretty sick pump when I was done!

Deload Week, Day 4 90% of Week 4

Bench - 1 x 4, 210 x 5
Bench - 3 x 4, 200
Chest Flies - 3 x 15, 105
Single Arm Tricep Pushdown - 3 x 15, 22.5
Cable Curls - 3 x 15, 35
DB Lateral Raises - 3 x 15, 30

Bench continues to feel ‘normal’.

Cut progress- down roughly 10 lbs since the beginning of the year!


Week 1, Day 1, RPE 7-8

Bench, 1 x 1, 230
Bench, 3 x 3, 207
Incline DB Press, 3 x 7-12, 60 x 12
DB Shoulder Press, 3 x 10-15, 40 x 12
Cable Upright Rows, 3 x 15-20, 90 x 20

  • Slight changeup in progressions this go and will have bigger jumps from week to week, with a lower starting point

  • Bench technique still feeling good

  • Nice changeup with the incline DB work feeling the different stimulus in my pecs


Week 1, Day 2 RPE 7-8

DL - 1 x 1, 415
DL - 3 x 3, 365
SBS - 1 x 1, 285
SBS - 2 x 5, 235
Leg Press - 3 x 10, 270
Leg Curls - 3 x 10-15, 110 x 12
Calf Raises - 3 x 10-15, 250 x 15

  • Technique mainly feeling good. One cue to really pound into my head is to be more controlled and slow as I start my squats. This should go far in terms of fixing issues with my feet and balance at the bottom.

Week 1, Day 3 RPE 7-8

Lat Pullovers - 3 x 10-15, 37.5 x 15
Lat Pulldown - 3 x 10-15, 105 x 15
Seated Cable Row - 3 x 10-15, 122.5 x 15
Lateral Raises - 3 x 10-15, 25 x 15
Rear Delt Fly - 3 x 10-15, 100 x 15
Spider Curls - 3 x 10-15, 25 x 15

  • Love the lat pullovers and how targeted they are to my lats, probably feeling it even more than pull downs and when I do pull-ups

  • Pushing accessories a bit harder right out of the gate as well


Week 1, Day 4 RPE 7-8

Bench - 1 x 3, 210
Bench - 3 x 4, 190
Assisted Dips - 3 x 10-15, 55 x 12
Tricep Pushdown - 3 x 10-15, 42.5 x 15
Hammer Curls - 3 x 10-15, 30 x 15
DB Lateral Raises - 3 x 10-15, 25 x 15

  • Bench technique feeling great

  • Took dips really slow and controlled working on my ROM and big difference in how I felt in my chest and tris afte