[quote]Dementeddragon wrote:
Is this your first cycle at all, or were previous ones of different length?[/quote]
I did a series of about 4 or 5 2-week cycles last year. The results on muscle gain were fine, but my strength wasn’t improving much. I’m easing into longer cycles, and I went with an 8-week cycle because I read that recovery is a good deal easier on this length than a 10-12 week cycle.
Realistically, I’ll be frustrated with having to stop at week 8 on this cycle, which will then make me want to jump on board to a 12-week one next.
[quote]BUDs wrote:
Looks good. I’d pin ED though but that’s me.
I’d get DA for the npp[/quote]
What’s DA?
Dopamine agonist to avoid sexual dysfunction and keep your breasts below 44DD. More dopamine = less prolactin. Helps your sense of well being, making you the friendly bodybuilder.
Dopamine agonist to avoid sexual dysfunction and keep your breasts below 44DD. More dopamine = less prolactin. Helps your sense of well being, making you the friendly bodybuilder.
Would a dopamine reuptake inhibitor like Bupropion suffice? I was looking into taking it anyway to help power through homework - either it or modafinil.
I guess an actual agonist would work best, buy hey, doesn’t hurt to ask. Two birds, one stone, right?
ok…didn’t mean to hit a sensitive spot, but it is important for us to have some kind of background that is accurate so thats why I asked. I agree with BUDs , prop is an everyday low dose pin.
The optimum dose even for a beginner is 50ml a day every day, do you have enough gear for that (2800ml total for 8 weeks)
I’m nearing the end of week 2 - I wasn’t able to get my NPP in time, so I’m sticking to just the gram of test prop a week.
Things are going as expected - I’ve got a little water bloat and an increased libido; also, some subtle muscle gain. I’ve also got some budding man tits even though I’ve been taking the Adex at 3mg a week. I only have enough Adex to last the protocol in the first post, but I do have extra nolva and letrozole.
Could anyone recommend a method to incorporate the letro and/or nolva to supplement the Adex in keeping some light gyno in check? Would the introduction of letro/nolva change anything with regards to PCT?