Hi guys looking for a little input on my latest cycle, ran many cycles in the past and looking back now they certainly weren’t the smartest of cycles, I was young and took nobody’s advice. Now Im mature enough to realise I want all the advice I can get!! I am 31, 5"10 85kg and approx 20% bodyfat.
I do trt now as like I said my previous cycles were not smart at all and I have never fully recovered properly…
My latest course looks like this…
0.25ml (100mg) test400 subcutaneously eod (400mg per 8 days)
0.5ml (100mg) equipoise200 intramuscular every 4 days (200mg per 8 days)
250iu hcg subcutaneously every 4 days
0.5mg anastrozole every 4 days
I know this is a pretty light course and I’m completely happy with that. I usually run 100mg test eod as my trt (I know this is high for trt but it makes me feel so damn good) along with hcg @ 250iu every 4th day and anastrozole @ 0.5mg every 4th day. My question is more about the hcg and anastrozole, do these amounts seem ok? Should I be running more hcg? Also is this a pretty normal amount for the anastrozole? The reason I do everything in 4 day blocks instead of the usual “per week” dosage is to try and maintain more even levels of whatever compounds it is I’m taking. Also am I right in thinking that because I run trt all year round there is no reason for a pct after I finish my eq? (Forgot to mention I only plan to run the eq for 12 weeks then resume my usual test/hcg/anastrozole dosages) is there anything obvious that I’m missing out on here? I really am a firm believer that steady levels and smaller more frequent test shots help a lot with estrogenic sides (in my case anyway)
Any input is greatly appreciated and thanks for reading guys!
Yes this is very high and I would encourage you to reconsider in the long term. The highest dose typically prescribed is 200mg/wk and that puts most men well above range.
Depends on your reason for taking them. In general these seem fine for the dosages mentioned. I don’t use an AI at all on 500mg Test per week but some do need them. If you have a symptom free history on these dosages I don’t see the issue however I wouldn’t have ran them until necessary.
Typical HCG dosages on TRT for preserving testicular size and fertility are slightly higher (800-1000iu per week), but I see no issue with your dosage. Running 1mg Anastrozole per 400mg test is not too aggressive. Keep in mind that even if you feel alright on this dosage it can impact your lipids negatively.
Correct, no need for PCT when on TRT.
Most don’t get much from a low dose of EQ. Its also been discussed to have anti estrogenic properties so it could throw your levels off but your dose is low so I wouldn’t anticipate that.
Thanks for your input man I really appreciate it.
So you think 200mg per week for trt would be more than sufficient? I really do want to try and do things in the best possible way I can for my body in the long term so I will certainly look into it.
In terms of anastrozole yes I am extremely sensitive to estrogen related sides so it really is a must have for me, even at the doses mentioned I still have that “itch” in the nipples, I suffered from gyno years ago due to a complete lack of knowledge running deca/test/oxymetholone cycles (completely my own fault) and have never fully recovered in terms of gynocemastia.
I would be completely happy to up my dose of hcg to 1000iu per week if it will help keep my testes in working order. We plan to try and have a child in about a years time so testes working correctly really is a big thing for me!
If I up my hcg will this also affect my gyno symptoms?
Also as I mentioned I do still have that irritation/itch around the nipple on 1mg anastrozole per 400mg test, would upping my anastrozole to 2mg be overkill? I’ve heard you can really do harm to yourself taking too much anastrozole… Are there any better/safer alternatives to the anastrozole?
I know my eq dose is low, I’m really only using it to help burn off the excess fat around my belly area (plus the fact I had it leftover from previous course)
I plan to have bloods taken with all hormones accounted for in the next week or 2 but really dont know how to read them or what I should be looking for in them… hoping the doctor can point out any high or low levels and help me correct them. When is the best time to have bloods taken? Test only pin day? Test/hcg/eq pin day? Or my break days inbetween?
Like I said I really want to do things the smartest way possible now so if there is anything I am missing out or I should change ie length between pins or ai choice any input is appreciated. Thanks again for your input man!
I much prefer how I feel on 200mg/week TRT compared to higher dosages like 500mg/week. You likely won’t need anastrozole on 400mg of T and you definitely shouldn’t start out taking it. You may need a shoulder to cry on because of how much T 400mg/ml hurts though so don’t mistake the crying for high estrogen. Not sure if sub-q is the best way to use that as far as the pain goes but I don’t have experience with it personally. I would be extra careful with the AI when taking EQ as @blshaw said it can effect estrogen levels. Crashed E2 is a great way to miss out on gainz.
Yeah I’m going to seriously considering dropping my test down, which in turn should help with aromatization to estrogen.
In terms of pain I really feel no pain at all when injecting 100mg test eod via subq, I had much more discomfort when I used to pin intramuscularly, everyone is different I suppose.
I am really sensitive to estrogenic sides, I felt my nipples go as soon as I started my trt, can still feel that itch now after 0.5mg anastrozole yesterday, again I suppose everyone reacts differently to different compounds. I really need to get these bloods done asap, if I post them up here will someone be able to look them over and show me what needs changed? I really have no faith in my local GP after I asked for a full hormone blood test and he just checked my overall test and said “ah your in range you’ll be fine” without even checking free test cholesterol estrogen or anything else like that… asshole! Thanks again for input man well appreciated
Having had gyno previously I can tell you that itchy nipples doesn’t mean gyno. I also got into my own head when I started TRT and was a devout member of the “sensitive to estrogen” religion. It took going through a lot of crap to realize it was all in my head. Just be aware is all I’m saying. Yes if you post bloods there are folks here than can help you make sense of them.
I was referring to the pain caused by high concentrations like 400mg/ml which is much different than any amount of 200-250mg/ml which you’ll likely understand in the near future.
Well that’s a bit of a relief that you have been through a similar situation, itchy/tender nipples has always been the start of my gyno problems in the past and I’ve never addressed it properly thats why I’m so worried about it now. So do you still get the same problems with your nipples now? If so how do you deal with it? I’ve ran test400 mg per ml a few times before and I’ve heard a lot of people talking about it being more painful but I honestly have never felt this personally, (worrying my gear has been underdosed all this time now!) even when i was pinning 800mg test a week alongside 600mg deca, still never had any pain, are you talking about pip? I find that subcutaneous injections are the most pain free shot ive ever had even @400mg/ml ratios. As always i appreciate the input bro
I would use tamoxifen on occasion when going above TRT levels and you start getting into your own head. The problem with gyno is the mental shit it brings. It makes you paranoid. Tamoxifen is a great way to address gyno, give you the mental relief that you’re addressing it and without the issues that can happen with anastrozole. Plus tamoxifen can actually reverse gyno if you ever do get it and it’s super cheap and easy to get. I haven’t used it in a while because I’ve realized a lot of it was in my head but I always have it on hand just in case. I have anastrozole as well if I were to ever need it.
Sorry for late reply been a v long day!
So is tamoxifen a safer alternative to the anastrozole? If so I will grab some of that tomorrow, i just want to do everything the safest and least harsh way possible, going to try dropping my test down to 250 a week and see how I feel, I’m just so used to being on about 800mg a week I’m worried I wont feel that amazing sense of confidence/happiness/sense of wellbeing on the smaller dose, running the 400mg a week just now is like night and day in terms of the depression/unhappiness I was experiencing, i feel amazing on 400mg! Thanks for the help dexter! One last thing, when should I have bloods taken? After test shot? Before test shot? Should I still be on anastrozole when I have bloods taken? Thanks again man
Tamoxifen blocks estrogen from binding at the breast vs f-ing with estrogen levels everywhere in your body. At 200mg you aren’t going to have the same estrogen level as you would at 400-800mg anyway. Don’t go into the dose reduction with the expectation that you are not going to feel good. Expect a month or two of fluctuations before you start feeling ideal. There’s a ton of people on 200mg/week that are flourishing.
So am I picking this up right dexter? Tamoxifen will be a much safer alternative for me until I have my bloods taken, it will still stop any gyno without changing my estrogen levels that are important to have at the correct levels. Then I can see what my estrogen levels are and make the according adjustments if needed with anastrozole?
Levels are just a snapshot in time. They don’t determine when you need to take an AI. My estrogen levels on TRT are extremely high and would have made my previous self have a heart attack. I feel great and have no issues. Higher testosterone means higher estrogen. Your body maintains a balanced ratio and most folks don’t need to fuck with that. The first couple months of a dosage change will have your body in disarray until it finally levels out so how you feel those first couple months won’t be how you feel once you’ve leveled out. It’s important to keep that in mind. Relax and let time fix itself. There’s no quick fix.
You don’t need to take the tamoxifen every day. Just have it on hand as an “emergency break glass” to give you peace of mind that if something arises you have it.
Thanks for the advice dexter, so am I better to give my trt a few months before getting my bloods done again? I did have bloods taken about a year ago before I started trt, I’m going to try and acquire these from my doctor (see how that goes!) Much appreciated bro