Hi everyone,
It’s my very first post, but not my first time on this forum. been reading here and there and getting information from all your experience and expertise, and I’d like to have your opinion on the following:
Age: 30
Height: 5’10
Weight: 230lbs @ 16~18% BF
Training experience: Well over 10 years
Cycle: Two Var only cycles (no hate please! it was probably too mild had no impact on libido)
So my plan is to run the following:
Test P W1-8 100mgs EOD (400mg/week)
Equipoise W1-8 400mg OR 600mg a week (200mg 2/week or 200mg 3/week. need advice here)
Anavar either W1-6 or W3-8 60mg ED (need advice here)
Arimidex W1-8 0.5mg EOD
I have limited the cycle to 8 weeks for a reason. It’s my first cycle and I’d like to see how things are, and ensure control over any undesirable sides that might occur. I have also included short ester Test P in order to have this kind of control, and it will make me feel more comfortable to be able to start my PCT right on the 3rd day after the last Test P shot (except for a concern on EQ that I’m highlighting below)
Precycle blood work is done. I plan on doing blood work again on W5~6, and another one 3 weeks after my PCT
Starts 3 days after the last Test Prop shot
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Now my questions are (and please bear with me, I’m here to learn from your experience):
Is running Adex 0.5mg EOD too much? Should I lower the dose to 0.25?
Given my current stats, what should be my Equipoise dose?
Initially, I was thinking of having Winstrol , since my target is cutting/lean gains. Then I have decided to change it to Anavar because of the undesirable effects on joints I kept hearing from Winstrol users. What are your thoughts on that? (I’m not concerned about the money spent on Anavar, and I know it’s legit)
If i’m to run Anavar, is 60mg per day enough? Since I planned it for 6 weeks, is it a good idea to start with var, or end the cycle with it?
Last but not least, I have seen sample cycles on here with Equipoise running until the very last week, and PCT starts on the 3rd day after the Test P. However, after reading on Equipoise, it seemed to be a long ester. I’m not quite sure if I can start the PCT on the 3rd day, or I should delay it further?
Run your aded 0.5 EOD, you should be fine but if you get low E sides then drop it down.
Run it at 600, It will go nicely with Var.
Personally i would choose var > Winstrol because of joint issues unless Im taking deca.
If price isnt so much of an issue i would run it higher, most guys say 100mg is fantastic (i am yet to try var, my city is pricy as fuck), and again personally i would finish off with var.
Finish the EQ earlier than the test P, that way it has time to clear your system. Read up a little bit more but i believe you need about 2 weeks before starting PCT with EQ because its a long ester (I dropped long esters pre-contest so I didnt need to worry about the timing, one of the vets will have a better answer for you).
On a side note,
-EQ is a long ester. Best run for 12 weeks. By the time you hit 8 weeks you will only just start to see some nice changes.
Test P Needs to be shot minimum EOD, first cycle thats not going to be too fun. If you can use test E instead it lines up better with EQ in PCT and will be less painful in virgin muscle.
Many thanks for your response. So I’ll be running the Var on the last 6 weeks of my cycle. Might start off at 60mg a day, and see how it goes and later up it. I don’t plan on exceeding 80mg a day to avoid any loading on the liver (I will be doing blood work at the peak of my cycle though)
While I agree that EQ is a long ester, and is better stacked with Test E, I am enduring pinning EOD with Test P for the sole purpose of running shorter ester, and having the ability to start the PCT almost immediately. I think knowing that the stuff will last for few days at most once I quit, and being able to start the PCT makes me more comfortable.
Do you think I should replace the EQ with anything else that will go inline with the Test P? Or is Test P for 8 weeks, and Var for 6 weeks a good enough stack for cutting and lean gains purpose?
Also, is it wise to run HCG twice a week at 250ius during the PCT?
EQ for 8 weeks is a total waste. And you will not be able to start pct 3 days after your Test p shot if your running both test p and EQ for 8 weeks. With EQ you would need 3 weeks before you can start pct
well, i think some of the info we’ve been using is not quite accurate.
now, one of the issues i think that exists with EQ is, the Undecylenate ester has a really long chain, and because of that, ties up more of the actual hormone. of 100 mg of EQ, only 61mg is actual available. so when people say it’s more mild that something like test prop (which is 80 of 100), it’s not just mild, it’s actually weaker (61 mg vs 80 mg) as well.
EDIT: apparently i can’t post my reference link, but there’s another site that asserts EQ actually has a half-life of 5.1 days…
Thanks for all the replies. After reading some more I think running EQ with test P is not a wise decision (short vs long esters). So for now, I think I will stick with the following:
Test P 100mg EOD W1-8
Anavar 50-70mg ED W3-8
Arimidex 0.5 EOD W1-8
Starts 3 days after the last Test P shot
Clomid 100/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
I might consider running the Test P for longer period of time (might extend it to 10 weeks depending on how things are with the mid cycle blood work).
Just a couple of questions:
Is it better to maintain 50mg of Anavar for 6 weeks? or up the dose to 60~70?
For running Test P at 100mg EOD, I will end up having 4 & 3 shots alternating every week. Is it wise to take a shot two days in a row by the end of each week to ensure that I get 4 shots precisely every week?
[quote]earthling wrote:
Thanks for all the replies. After reading some more I think running EQ with test P is not a wise decision (short vs long esters). So for now, I think I will stick with the following:
Test P 100mg EOD W1-8
Anavar 50-70mg ED W3-8
Arimidex 0.5 EOD W1-8
Starts 3 days after the last Test P shot
Clomid 100/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
I might consider running the Test P for longer period of time (might extend it to 10 weeks depending on how things are with the mid cycle blood work).
Just a couple of questions:
Is it better to maintain 50mg of Anavar for 6 weeks? or up the dose to 60~70?
For running Test P at 100mg EOD, I will end up having 4 & 3 shots alternating every week. Is it wise to take a shot two days in a row by the end of each week to ensure that I get 4 shots precisely every week?
I still think you should run test E instead man. 250mg Monday thursday and you’re good to go, pinning EOD is going to suck first cycle. As for the anavar run it at 60-70.
[quote]earthling wrote:
Thanks for all the replies. After reading some more I think running EQ with test P is not a wise decision (short vs long esters). So for now, I think I will stick with the following:
Test P 100mg EOD W1-8
Anavar 50-70mg ED W3-8
Arimidex 0.5 EOD W1-8
Starts 3 days after the last Test P shot
Clomid 100/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
I might consider running the Test P for longer period of time (might extend it to 10 weeks depending on how things are with the mid cycle blood work).
Just a couple of questions:
Is it better to maintain 50mg of Anavar for 6 weeks? or up the dose to 60~70?
For running Test P at 100mg EOD, I will end up having 4 & 3 shots alternating every week. Is it wise to take a shot two days in a row by the end of each week to ensure that I get 4 shots precisely every week?
I’d run var no less than 60-70mg. Really though no less than 80mg, 100mg being optimal for me.
It’s ok that one week you will pin 4 times the next only 3. If averages out, as long as your pinning eod you’re fine. Try not to think of cycling in weeks, but the cycle as a whole.