Advice for High Blood Pressure?

My blood pressure has snuck up to 150/68, before I go to the doctor, and take any perscription meds, do you guys recommend anything that can be taken like herbs etc?

I did start some fish oil and green tea herb, so I will wait and see how that does. My resting heart rate is around 65 bpm, so really it looks like the only high number is the top or 150.

What dosage should I be taking if you have anything to recommend?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

150/68? that’s odd considering the bottom # is excellent (which if anything is the more important one).

Have you done multiple readings through the course of a week?

Fish oil is a good start, go for at least 6-12g total.

how is stress in your life?
sleep quality/quantity?

Diet? high carb?

[quote]cutt wrote:
My blood pressure has snuck up to 150/68, before I go to the doctor, and take any perscription meds, do you guys recommend anything that can be taken like herbs etc?

I did start some fish oil and green tea herb, so I will wait and see how that does. My resting heart rate is around 65 bpm, so really it looks like the only high number is the top or 150.

What dosage should I be taking if you have anything to recommend?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. [/quote]

Isolated systolic hypertension.

A common cause is anxiety about seeing the doctor (white coat hypertension), or what I found when using those machines you find at a pharmacy, a blood pressure cuff that’s too tight. My bp using one of those automated machines came back at 156/77. I went to the doc, the nurse used a larger cuff, and I was at 120/70.

So, are you sure it’s being measured correctly?

<---------- Not an MD.

Funny you say that pangloss because all my measurements have been at a grocery store BP machine. That machine is for a 9-13" arm. My arm is around 17" , and when the pad clamps down for the reading, it is extremely tight.

That might be part of the issue right there.

As far as my diet goes, it is super clean. I would say 80/10/10 (protein/carbs/fat). I do ingest about 100-150grams of whey protein powder a day, but I dont feel that could cause high BP. I would say I consume around 1800-2400 calories a day.

My exercise regiment consists of gym 5-6 days a week, with cardio 4 of those days at 20 minutes per session. My supplements include Animal Pak by Universal, Fish Oil Caps, Green Tea Herbal tabs, Milk Thistle herbal tab, NAC Herbal tab.

10% fat? why?

doubt 80% cals are coming from protein though

the cuff is too tight. Get a proper size cuff and I’m sure you’ll be fine. That would explain the high systolic, and the good diastolic

[quote]cutt wrote:
Funny you say that pangloss because all my measurements have been at a grocery store BP machine. That machine is for a 9-13" arm. My arm is around 17" , and when the pad clamps down for the reading, it is extremely tight.

That might be part of the issue right there.


I think it is the issue. I just went through this a week ago, and I’m relaying exactly what the nurse told me.

You could always just find a pharmacy with a minute-clinic in it and ask the NP to take your bp.