Advice for Cycle

Hello T Nation peeps. I’m hoping to get some advice or direction, as are so many others lol, from folks with more experience than me. I will probably get blown up a bit and I accept that because I realize I didn’t learn enough before running the cycles I have run in the past, so I am asking now. Better late than never? I’m going on a week long Caribbean cruise in just over 12 weeks and plan on doing a cycle that leads right up to it.

Ideally I would like to firm up and cut some body fat but know sometimes you can’t have the best of both worlds. I plan on starting PCT right after the cycle unless it would be advised otherwise to wait a week or two. I have read and heard of it happening both ways and that it may be dependent on the person. I will be running N2guard during and after cycle as well as N2Generate when I start pct and will add 50mg Clomid, 40mg Nolvadex daily starting week three. I also have Caber and aromasin on hand for during cycle and could do 10mg aromasin eod during pct.

From previous cycles I don’t seem to be too estrogen sensitive until I get up above 750mg test or tren. Last run I admittedly still didn’t know enough and listened to a “friend” and pinned 250mg test e and 250mg tren e every three days. I got really bad acne (never did when I was younger) and some firm and tender nipples but no gyno.

Truth be told I haven’t been training hard for 10yrs, consistently, but do have some experience and have run cycles before. I am not unfamiliar with the gym and over the years have put in enough time to know what exercises I like and need and how to focus on independent muscles. This next cycle will be my fifth and I had planned to run:

50mg DBol everyday weeks 1-4
250mg test e twice a week weeks 1-12
250mg tren e twice a week weeks 1-12
and either 50mg anavar or 50mg winny the last 4 weeks.

I originally chose anavar because it is milder on your system but since I am not prone to MPB (according to family history) I am inclined to finish with the winny but hoping for guidance. I also have HGH (ugl from China) on hand that I would like to work up to running 4iu daily but would like to know thoughts on only 12 weeks. I know pharma grade is preferred but it’s what I have on hand. I am also taking daily: a multivitamin, 500mg taurine, 10mg creatine, and 3mg of boron.
I am 43yrs old, 5’7”, 182 lbs and about 22%bf (I got this from an In-Body scan at my gym. Supposed to be next best thing to a DEXA scan) I sent out my blood work today and plan on doing more blood work mid cycle. Any advice, feedback, criticism, adjustments, or critique is appreciated. I hope not to receive only

negativity but understand if it comes my way. I have tried to do my research but think it best to ask for help before moving forward. Thanks in advance.

Your photos reflect this and quite honestly anybody who encourages anabolic use in your current situation would be doing you disservice.

Drugs recommended… zero.

Nutrition program and exercise… highly advisable. You’ll reap more benefits in spades by hiring someone to coach you than any drug will net you in the long run. Probably even the short run.


Agree with @blshaw here. Get your training and diet in order for 6-8 months and then maybe think about doing a cycle.


If you have to tell people that you lift, you aren’t ready for steroids.

Get on a steady gym schedule and clean up your diet. These alone will do far more than any steroid will.


Couldn’t agree more with the advice already given. However I believe in giving advice you’ll actually follow. Being that you have already used tren I think the natural route is out of the question.

Now for your cycle…
200mg test E split into two shots a week
30mg anavar everyday for the last 4 weeks.

That should be enough to keep you feeling motivated. The rest of your focus should be a legit diet and training plan for the next 12 weeks. Aka a training plan that doesn’t kill you and a diet that slowly progresses as you get closer to the cruise date.


This is quite the cycle. How strong are you on the powerlifts?

My thoughts are that if you do use AAS, that you use the least amount to make progress. Are the health risks worth the hoped benefit?

Always curious when guys plan this elaborate cycle but this is their goal. You can do this with minimal AAS (if any) and some calorie restriction.

If you must run AAS, for 12 weeks, I’d say a low dose of test + Var the last 6 weeks should have you at least looking better for your vacation.

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Thank you for the input and direction. I am not hell bent on wasting my time or energy and definitely don’t wish to hurt myself. I’ll get other things in order first and maybe come back to a cycle since I have things on hand.

As far a diet goes, can I seek input there as well? A couple weeks ago I started this:

Breakfast: 2 packets stone cut oatmeal and 2 hard boiled eggs

Snack: Protein shake

Lunch: 6oz chicken/steak, 1 cup veggies (typically steamed cauliflower or broccoli) 1/2 cup brown rice (sometimes white)

Snack: 4oz chicken/steak, 1 cup veggies, 1/2 cup brown rice (sometimes white)

Then I usually hit the gym because of scheduling and have a protein shake after while sitting in the sauna

Dinner: 6oz chicken/steak, 1 cup veggies, 1/2 cup brown rice (sometimes white)

It’s the new guy thing. Lol. Trying to figure out the balance between what I see, hear, and read. Hence why I asked for help. I know I don’t know shit and seek guidance. Thank you for yours

IMO cut out the rice and carbs for your current goal. Keep carbs <60g a day and time them around your workouts. Fill up on protein and fat. Once you lean down and have a tapered waste, add carbs back in but in stages as to not over do it.

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Cut the carbs, easy enough. Thank you

You’re going to get your beach / cruise goal by slimming down your waist and having that v shape with taper. That’s going to require a low carb or more standard macros with a good deficit. Low carb is easier IMO. It’s going to make you a little flat in the muscle bellies but you could always carb up a bit 1-2 weeks before your cruise to look “fuller”.

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I imagine there will be some energy deficit at first? Should I cut out the zero calorie rockstars as well (only 2g carb) and switch to coffee in the morning. I work a very fast paced job and the energy helped get through but I can get over that crutch

Nah… 2g carbs is fine. I’m a sugar free Red Bull addict myself. While our advice is truly in your best interest, should you choose not to listen I think @Vistavilla was spot on in his approach to light gear use. Save the rest for later. I would encourage you to save it all for later, but people tend to do “ what they’re gonna do”.

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You’re right about that but I asked for the advice so that I could heed it. In the past I’ve been prescribed SSRI for anxiety/depression, ED meds for if/when needed and last year ADHD meds. I know I am asking about exogenous substances but my overall preference would be little to none if ever possible. I understand hormones and such change with time and accept that. I’ve had my hormone levels checked before and always came back just above 300. My Dr said “oh that’s within range, just exercise more”. When I did the last run with test e I felt great, like I didn’t need any meds and little to no depression or anxiety. Obviously I like the way it feels but don’t want to be a complete idiot and fuck myself up. I actually had an appt today and had to pretty much beg to get TRT and he prescribed 100mg twice a month. I guess I will start there and see how it goes. Thanks for your time. I don’t mean to waste it on being a noob

That’s not going to cut it. I standard protocol would be 100mg a week. Your does will probably barely get you back to where you are at. Are you in the US? Go to Defy Medical. They do telemedicine. Best out there IMO. It’s out of pocket, no insurance, but it’s reasonable.

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I am in US. I’ll look them up. Out here in the Pacific NW the Drs seem to be a little conservative if a person doesn’t ask for some organic or naturopathic medicine. Lol. Nothing against any of that but it was like pulling teeth to get him to approve even that dose. I might as well just stay on the 250mg once a week I already have on hand. Probably cheaper, but not pharma grade. :joy:

Looking a little light on protein.

to get ~250g protein daily I hit 3-4 skinless chicken thighs, 4 eggs, 16oz chicken breast and maybe some protein pasta if I feel I need it.

Your protein intake should remain the same whether cutting or bulking. Increase carbs in a bulk and decrease them in a cut. In your case, you would get far more benefit from cutting than bulking, so I strongly suggest going into a caloric deficit. Something to the tune of 500-1000cals deficit daily with gear should suffice.

Does that answer your question?

Question answered, response heard, and your time is appreciated. Thank you

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