hey fellas…I was hoping to get some extra advice and critques on my first cycle before I run it…Any inputs from the vets would be much appreciated.
My stats are as follows: 26 Year old Male, 17% BF, 5’11 at 210 lbs. 8 years of lfting, and 4 years more seriously dedicated.I feeel more than ready to begin a cycle, and I would like to make sure that everything is set up right.
1 Cycle would be as follows:
Week 1-11: Testoviron Depot 250mg 2x weekly
Week 1-4: 30 mg Anabol
Week 8-11: 50 mg winstrol EOD
Week 1-13: .5 mg Armidex EOD
Week 13-17: Nolva 40/40/20/20
I also have Clomid on hand; should I use it in conjunction with the Nolvadex?
Should I use HCG? If so how much for how long?
Guys, thanks for your time; appreciate any feedback.
Not the worst newbie cycle I’ve ever seen. And you even added your stats (happy day!)
Drop the winstrol. Why on earth is it in there?
I would personally frontload the dosage of test e and run the entire cycle for just 8 or 9 weeks. Run the dbol starting in week 2 or sometime thereafter, and change the dosage to 40mg/d.
Other than that, pretty decent. You should have fun. I like HCG to keep my testicle size throughout my cycle, but if you run it as I have it laid out, you probably won’t really need it.
I hear a lot of bad things about guys having emotional issues with clomid, so proceed with caution. Most guys appear to be able to recover just fine on a 40/40/20/20 nolva PCT.
Based on your stats I think I know why you’ve included the winstrol. Your bodyfat % is fairly high for someone looking to start a first cycle. I am going to assume (just an assumption) that you are including winstrol because it is a “cutting” drug. Like Cortes said, it’s unnecessary in this cycle.
I assume this cycle is to gain some muscle. To do that you’ll need to be in a caloric surplus. The higher one’s bodyfat % is the higher the propensity will be to store more fat. Because of that I’d recommend you take 6+ weeks to drop some bodyfat. Do it slowly and don’t go crazy. 17% (maybe throw up a pic, a number doesn’t tell the whole story) isn’t THAT high, but it is certainly higher than ideal. I think that if you take some time to get in better condition you will have a more enjoyable and ‘prettier’ cycle, results wise.
BTW start the PCT 2 full weeks after the last injection. Week 11 would be an on week, making week 13 only one full week after that. I agree with C about shortening the cycle by a few weeks.
Good points from Bonez. I missed that missing week even though I looked right at it two times. I was thinking of a 10 week cycle, or huffing glue, or something.
Cortes, Bonez…thanks for your feedback; I will take heed to the advice and make the appropriate changes.
Cortes, what would you recommend for a frontload on the first week? 750 mg? I will also take your advice and only run it for 9 instead of 11. Also increasing the dbol to 40 mg ED starting on week 2.
Bonez, Thanks for catching that PCT. I will wait two full weeks before I begin it; I will also wait a couple of months and focus on leaning down so the results will be more noticeable. I thought the winstrol would be a good idea to run at the end to give me a leaner look. I apologize ahead of time for asking this, but why would you not want to run it in this cycle? Also, Would you advise me to run the HCG with this cycle if I am running the test for 9 weeks?
Its nice to talk to some folks that actually know what the fuck they are talking about for a change.
The winstrol is unnecessary because it will be wasted in a mass gain cycle. Diet is what will make you leaner, not necessarily the drugs. If you are in a caloric surplus you wont get significantly leaner no matter how much winstrol you add. Save it for another time.
HCG is always good to use if you have it. It certainly can’t hurt. 250iu EOD is the common dose.