I’ve always thought I was a lazy guy. Never big on going out, mellow, and pretty easygoing.
Never had morning wood, libido is almost nonexistent, but in my mind that shit was normal. I also suffer from chronic tonsillitis. (might be relevant)
Fast forward a few years, I started feeling more and more depressed, I didn’t want to train anymore, started becoming a hermit (more than I used to be), but what really struck me as weird is that I started getting dandruff…weird, huh? Since I didn’t want to be put on SSRI’s, I started doing some research.
I came to the conclusion my T must be low. I got it tested, it came within range (high 300’s), but at 23 that is a shitty level. I also found out hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue and hypogonadism have very similar symptoms, which made me think twice about going to an endo and getting TRT.
I got the tests done, and here are the results:
Total T: 372 Range: 241 - 827 ng/dl
Free T: 245,8 Range: 131-640 pmol/l
Estradiol: 26,8 Range: Up to 39,8 pg/ml
Progesterone: 0,48 Range: Up to 1,06 ng/ml
HGH: 0,06 Range: Up to 1,0 ng/ml
TSH: 3,49 Range: 0,55 - 4,78 uUI/ml
FSH: 1,6 Range: 1,9 -18,9 (does this FSH level mean I’m sterile?)
LH: 4,22 Range: 1,75 - 9,62 mUI/ml
Free T3: 3,16 Range: 2,3 - 4,2 pg/ml
Free T4: 1,09 Range: 0,8 - 1,76 ng/dl
Negative for TgAB, TPO came back inconclusive (limit of 35, came at 35, but all cases of hashimoto’s I’ve seen are in the thousands, so I doubt I have it)
I also have high LDL (about 270, limit is 180)
Lab had terrible ranges for Cortisol (no lower limit), so I converted the measurements and took the lab ranges from another place, so consider this test a bonus (lol)
Cortisol AM saliva 2.9L ng/ml Range 3.7-9.5
Cortisol noon 0.9L ng/ml Range 1.2-3.0
Cortisol Evening 0.6 n/ml Range 0.6-1.9
Cortisonl Night 0.5 ng/ml Range 0.4-1.0
I got some Thyroid-S from a Thai source, and I felt better while taking it (I got two weeks supply to see if source was legit, waiting for the whole bottle to arrive) I started supplementing with low-dose hydrocortisone after reading Bill Jeffries’ “Safe uses of Cortisol” (15mg per day, 20 gave me acne). Great book BTW.
Morning temp is a steady 96.98 (armpit), which signals hypothyroid, according to what I read, and, even though my morning saliva test for cortisol came out low, my temps are quite steady throught the day. I just took HC to see if it would make a difference, it didn’t (weening off as we speak) Currently I’m taking Vit-D 10k UI a day, omega 3’s, and that’s it.
So, my take is that I’m subclinical hypo (sapped motivation sucks!), and I want to start Iodoral to see if it all comes down to Iodine deficiency, since I prefer not being on Thyroid pills forever. I just want to hear you guys’ take on it, this forum has been really helpful during my research, and I want your opinion before I start my protocol.
If you guys also want to share your experiences with this sort of thing with me, that would also be great. The more info there is, the more we can help other people with the same problem in the future.