Adding proviron to cycle

Hi guys quick question jus started my cycle of 500mg sus and 400mg primo ew x 16 weeks was wondering if adding proviron would be of any benefit did the exact same cycle last year and found mid way through SD was dead.



Proviron is just adding more DHT to this cycle. Why do you want to do that?

SD- sex drive
Proviron would prob suppress estrogen even more making it worse.

There is really no need for more DHT in this cycle. I would pull some bloods and see what’s going on.
You say you just started. How long ago? One shot? 5 shots?

I’m on a similar cycle 500 test enanthate and 400 primo weekly. I’m on the 5th week of the cycle and got blood work today and it shows low estradiol (20pg/ml) even though I don’t take any AI. I noticed that the SD is decreased that is why I started proviron today 25mg daily hoping that it will elevate the SD.
I’m also not seeing major improvement in the gym so I may even start taking dbol mid cycle for 4-5 weeks. I know it sounds unconventional to introduce dbol mid cycle but I feel it may be worth it.

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If your lifts are stalling and you’re eating enough there is nothing wrong with adding in an oral mid cycle. Personally I would choose anadrol but to each his own.

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Thanks for the insight.
I chose dbol over anadrol because dbol armotizes into estrogen while anadrol doesn’t. And I want to raise my astradiol

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Your E2 is low because of the primo. Adding Proviron when your E2 was already low isn’t going to improve libido. - if anything, you’ll make it worse by antagonizing estrogen further. You need to do something to bring your E2 up if you want to fix your sex drive.


Thanks for the advice
I will stop the proviron for now.
Today I will add dbol 30mlg daily split into 3 doses every 8 hours.

Consider the binding affinity for proviron compared to primo. It’s BA is much higher than primo.

You could add hcg along with DHEA and preg to backfill your hormones. The DHEA will help in the estrogen front.

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Thanks for your input.
I stopped proviron. Started dbol 3x10mlg ed.
I’m already considering to start hcg now to raise my estrogen levels. Not sure about the appropriate dosage of hcg though.
I have no idea about DHEA and preg! Wouldn’t be enough to take hcg only?
Also considering to either up the weekly dose of test to 600 or lower the primo to 200 or 300.
On a second note I noticed that my BP is high! 140/90 on average. Is it normal for BP to stay that elevated. Started taking 5mg Tadalfil daily to drop my BP.
Every advice is appreciated.

Exactly 2 weeks today SD is no problem at the min I’ve been off the juice for about 5 months I’ve reacted really well as I’ve kept my diet clean and trained consistently whilst off. Thanks for the help