Acne with a low-ish Dose of Test E

Been running 200 Test E for about 6months now.

200/ Week
50 EOD

Acne popped up on my chest after maybe 3 months then just went away and now my shoulders flared up enough for me to care and try all the normal mitigation protocols (Washes, Topical Tretinoin etc)

Bloods show Total T 1,382
Free T - 28.1
Estradiol- 45.4
SHBG - 38.3
Prolactin - 16.9

Not feeling and estrogenic effects aside from shoulder acne that’s pretty annoying to say the least.

I have primo on hand and may try adding that in while lowering Test and trying to mitigate the singular Estrogen effects.

Somewhat unsure, definitely not wanting to take an AI due to cognitive toxicity . Curious on people’s thoughts and or other remedies ?

New to all of this and the more I for the better.

I may even come off entirely since I’m trying for a kid here and depending on what my semen analysis comes back saying. Heard stories of HCG and Clomid causing twins and etc. ( FSH - <.03 / LH - <.03) Roughly half of what my natural markers were before taking Test E for a frame of reference.

Why do you feel this is estrogen related?

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With my higher spectrum E levels I’d assume it as such?

I could back of the Test a bit but feel rather good at this dosage .

Unsure this why I’m asking and poking around for other insights.

FSH and LH will always be zero once your HPTA is shut down from exogenous Testosterone. No doubt your sperm counts will be lower on Test but not necessarily infertile. Use the search tool regarding procotols for improving this while continuing TRT. You don’t need to come off to have kids.

Regarding the acne, as @EFShadow stated it may not estrogen related but my advice is whatever you try don’t do more than one protocol change at a time. Ie don’t add something and lower your T dose. Do one or the other, give it 6 weeks or so, assess and adjust.


Same issue here for me. 200mg a week, test E.

I’ve tired everything from multiple different washes, skin care routines, lowering estrogen, and to pinning everyday and nothing has helped.

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