may permanently block cortisol receptors or at least deactivate them long term resulting in a higher success of retaining lean mass gains. I have been contemplating a cycle and have thought to keep it Test/Var based. However, after reading Rea’s work, I am thinking about adding Tren due to this characteristic. Any comments from the Tren fans?
Recently did just a tren/4ad only cycle. 6 weeks-15 pounds! Not too shabby considering I was already over 250. Bodyfat has actually dropped. Normally I would not consider foregoing the test base, but I was curious if the 4ad would take care of the tren dick. And boy did it ever
Tren is at the top of my list for solid strength and size-and easily obtainable. In CME (Rhea’s book) the tren positive effect list reads like an all you can eat sushi buffet! I get all misty eyed just thinkin about it.
So would you say that you keep more gains with Tren than with anything else?
it’s certainly easier with tren than say, test, drol, d-bol, or any other highly aromatizing androgen. the only advise i can offer is make sure you are doing enough of the tren, cux too little won’t help you. minimum 200mg a week, more if you are doing it by itself. don’t forget pct cuz your berries will be tiny
like to hear from massnutrition.
One of the issues with tren as it pertains to retaining gains is that it is highly supressive. On a decently heavy tren cycle you will want to incorparate a HCG protocol to hold off testicular atrophy. You will also want a fairly agressive PCT incorparating clomid or nolvadex (or both).
I’d also mention that tren by itself is not a great plan. Stack it with a minimal ammount of test (or more for better gains as tren and test are quite complimentary) or use proviron or at least the aformentioned HCG protocol, because otherwise you will be facing a mean case of fina dick. Personally, when i use tren, i always use test along with an HCG protocol (HCG should shorten recovery time).
Tren is a great drug though, one of my favorites.