About to Start TRT, Looking for Advice

TRT has a tenancy to lower SHBG, it’s usually just a little bit. The lower the SHBG, the higher the free hormones, high Free T almost always means high Free E2, so estrogen towards high normal usually spells trouble for low SHBG men, not always but most of the time.

Almost all low SHBG guy whether on this form or other forms seem to do much better on more frequent injections, smaller more frequent injections lowers the chance to aromatase, the conversion of testosterone into estrogen which may not be a problem for you because you’re not overweight at six foot 180 lbs.

You may be able to get away with two injections a week, more may or may not be needed, it all depends on how fast your body metabolizes testosterone.

Beware 200mg every 2 weeks or once monthly doesn’t work and you might have to fight your doctor to get you the right TRT protocol as TRT in Canada is known to be the worst place to get TRT.

Your testicles will atrophy while on TRT, HCG can make your testicles fuller again, expect getting TRT together with HCG understate healthcare will not happen. Going private would be your only recourse.

Stop by our poll we have going on to get an ideal what TRT protocols looks like, maybe you’ll find something that may work for you.