Aakarsh M's Training Log

Sorry I havent been updating very often, got a ton of work now.

Stalled out on bench at 105lbs today. Got the first set of 5 but only got 2-3 reps of the second.

Thinking of going back to 100 and do 5x5 again without going to failure.

Ever consider using multiple rep ranges to prevent stalling?

Its been a while, but I plauteud at 105 for 5, but I used the higher rep range last workout with 95-100lbs and burst through the plauetu.

Training log 1 Oct 2016

Been a long ass while! Guess college life bangs you up! Iā€™ve been lifting but not posting. So far so good, did PUSH today.

Got 65lbs OHPx6 (4 sets) for good slight pause reps.
BENCH! FUCK YES! I destroyed the last plauetu and got 110x3x5 today!
4x12 lateral raise
2x6 45lbs DB chest press
1x10 paused 35lb DB chest press
3x12 pushdown
3x12 extension

Yes, that has been apparent in your posting, lol. Good luck buddy.

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@T3hPwnisher, Iā€™ve never seen you post this heavily in someone elseā€™s training log in quite a while, is there a specific reason as to why youā€™ve taken an interest in this particular log? Having read all the previous posts while on the shitter, it seems like most of your advice have fallen on deaf ear. Seems awfully odd to me that youā€™re still actively contributing-ish.

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I am a sucker for the training logs of young folks. I get excited at the idea of someone starting off right at a young age. Unfortunately, it never seems to pan out, haha.