A Trip To North-Korea

Getting into North Korea was one of the hardest and weirdest processes VBS has ever dealt with.

…fascinating glimpses of one of the most oppresive societies in existence. Well worth watching!

I saw this before but these vids had more footage. My son and I watched it last night and he was blown away.

Where is everyone? wheres the general poulation while they drive around?

With the internet everywere I have to believe some of the people of “Korear” must know they’re being duped.

Thanks for posting this link…It is worth watching.

[quote]bond james bond wrote:
I saw this before but these vids had more footage. My son and I watched it last night and he was blown away.

Where is everyone? wheres the general poulation while they drive around?

With the internet everywere I have to believe some of the people of “Korear” must know they’re being duped.

Thanks for posting this link…It is worth watching.

You are missing the point with how Communist countries work. What was found to work the best at the time of Lenin, then Stalin and later Mao and Pol Pot is exactly what is being here in N. Korea. Famine is much better than the state police at keeping people in line. Only the military and upper party members get sufficient food to eat and the distribution system is such a bureaucratized mess that even if they decided to get rid of it all tomorrow mass starvation would be the result for some time to come. Nobody dares to compromise the system. Furthermore, since guilt is decided against groups rather than individuals (different than in the West), running afoul of the government means they arrest your family and friends too. Talking to a foreigner let alone a journalist means your kids might end up in a concentration camp with you and it is pretty well known that prisoners (including children) are used in the testing of munitions and poison gas.

Did you know that WW III almost started because of Kim Il Sung (current dictator’s father) about 1986? He realized that South Korea was leaving the North behind and soon would be far too strong to fight. So he decided to simply invade. Now his Soviet allies were aghast, not the least reason being that this would probably spread and the Americans had a first strike policy in place for nuclear weapons (which we now know was a good thing – 'nother story). Yip, they figured the world would be in the middle of a nuclear war within a few weeks. Any way, Kim knew this but figured that Korea wouldn’t be of much interest and the North would win handily which is all he cared about. So you got the completely surreal situation of the North Korean Army massing on their southern border while the Soviets were on high alert along their northern border with orders to invade. He did back down, but jeez!

North Korea is still run exactly how communist countries were. Let me relate stories from a friend who was in China during the Cultural Revolution some time. That was some really freaky s**t…

– jj


Thanks for putting it in away I could wrap my head around.

I remember seeing a video someone smuggled out of NC showing a railcar stopped in a railyard. As soon as it stopped people came out of nowhere and started to collect the stuff leaking out between the slats of wood. I thought it was maybe grain or somesuch. Wrong…it was fertilizer. They are so fucking hardup that they risk being shot not to get food that they can eat right now, but to get shit to grow food. Fuck I have it good.

North Korea is actually a picture of a disutopic success. The government is stable and there is little threat from internal opposition.

While one can acknowledge their success, I wish they would adopt the western style of controlling their masses by lots of access to sex, drugs, alcohol, and sundry entertainments meant to distract from servitude. I am very kind hearted and, while realizing that most people are doomed to be serfs/slaves, it (servitude) should be made as pleasant as possible.