Hi guys
I’ve only ever done 2 cycles, test and some orals. Last cycle about 14 weeks
Last cycle was about 6 months ago. I ran the PCT, nova and clomid.
Around 1 month after running pct i got the first strange problem, i developed acne all over my back arms and shoulders. Then my hair started falling out, and lots of it.
So it gave me the fear and i put off another cycle. Continued life as normal and then visited the doctor for something unrelated. He ran some tests and my test flagged up 7nmol. Yup this is at 6 months off.
Another symptom ive noticed is i dont ejaculate anything like the same amount and i “think” they might be smaller. I can still get am erection, but sex drive is very low
Im 38 now,
So its the question. Do i try kick start again or do i accept it and move on to trt? If possible id like to restart. I know i need to go get more full bloods to try get to the root of it.
I didnt run hcg even though i had it as i was slightly worried about dosing and didn’t have the correct syringe.
Im wondering if i should try it now then run another PCT. Or wait for full bloods
Especially interested as to why i wouldn’t lose hair or get acne on cycle but months off it and it starts
PS, trt is terrible in my country. You can get a gel or an injection once every 3 months…thats it…
No hcg to stop your balls disappearing. No test e anything