Warmup: band work
Technique work on rings: Got the idea from gymnastics wod to use a band for pullovers aka backrolls, and it worked like a charm. I also used the band to do some front/back levers.
Squat cleans: 75x5, 95x5, 135x5x5
Split jerks: 95x5, 135x5x5
SGHP: 95x5, 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 205x3…felt super heavy, last rep didn’t get too far past my belly button.
12/22 BJJ, then watched the pats crush baltimore and ate some some moose,elk, and venison sausage that my friend made. Nothing like a good protein orgy.
Band work/agile 8
Pause squats: barx10, 135x5, 185x5, 250x5x5
DB bench press: 50x10, 65x10, 75x10, 80x10
60 Overhead lunges (barbell, 95), had to split 20/20, 30 sec rest, 10/10
100 KB swings (20 kg), 71 unbroken, 20, 9…i will do 100 (at 35kg) unbroken before the year is up…
BJJ morning class
Workout pm
Band work and mobility stuff to warmup…
Deadlift: 315 for triples, managed to get 8
Push press: 185x5x5
Technique work on rings: band assisted pullovers x8, band assisted back levers 5x30 sec holds
Conditioning: 5 DB snatches (r arm) 5 DB snatches (l arm), every minute on the minute for 10 minutes (70 lb DB)
Band work/foam roll and some box jumps to warmup
Hang squat cleans: barx10, 135x5, 155x5, 185x3x3
Muscle-up on rings: 10 singles, 5 doubles…mostly technique work, trying not to kip as much
Handstand pushup on rings (legs pushed into straps): 10 fairly strict singles, for some reason my wrist kept slipping as I reached full extension
Conditioning: 3 minutes of battle rope madness, split it up 30 sec work, 30 seconds rest
BJJ academy was closed so I just screwed around in the gym, just got some grandfather clock grips and figured I’d play with those.
Technique work on rings: Pullovers, backrolls, failed miserably at back kip to support
Double pause deadlift: 225x5x5…pretty cool for technique work, really felt my hammies firing.
Pullups w/grandfather clock grips: 3x10
Sled pulls w/ grandtaher clock grips: 3x50 yard pulls (not sure about weight, 225 + whatever the stupid sled weighs)
Active rest- played an indoor soccer game with a few budies
Band work/mobility stuff/box jumps
Paused front squats: barx10, 135x5, 225x3x3, 245x3x3, 265x2x2
Rack pulls (just above knee): 135x5, 225x5, 315x3, 365x3, 405x3
10 rounds of: 30 sec battle rope waves, 5 bar muscle ups, 5 broad jumps
[quote]The Flying Fist wrote:
Paused squats rock, going to start throwing those in regularly. [/quote]
Glad to see you are enjoying the paused squats. Do you feel like they are helping you with getting out of the hole easier?
Btw I know I am a little late on this but your second deadlift video looks a lot better than the first. Kept the chest tall and dropped the hips nicely.
Congrats on the 405 no matter how ugly it was.
@Grizzly-Thanks for the advice man, the pause squats have been feeling great and I have been feeling way more powerful out of the hole. I’m aiming for 405 in about 3/4 months time. Also I’ve been crushing my deadlifts ever since I dropped my hips a bit, 500 isn’t far away! Thanks for checking in man.
12/29-Rest/watch football and eat tons of sushi
Foam roll/band work/30 overhead slams
Deadlift: 135x5, 225x3, 315x3x3, 365x2x2, 385x1x1…365/385 were mixed grip, form was pretty solid
Push press: 95x5, 135x5, 155x5x5-really just working on being super explosive with these,
Conditioning: Sled pushes/pulls (30 feet)x10
Perhaps its time to invest in a prowler, using the decline bench press with trx straps as a makeshift sled is a pain in the ass when the gym is busy.
Welp you’re as strong if not stronger than me and about 50 lbs lighter fml.
Regardless, I’m in! lol
@Spidey Thanks for stopping by man. About 4 months ago I hit the reset button on my lifts, just drilled technique and read a lot of articles on T-Nation + kelly starrett stuff, it has paid off big time. The mobility work from k-star and the bastardized version of 5/3/1 I run have lead to tremendous gains. I know I’m no monster, but since my knowledge base has nearly doubled so have all my lifts…coincidence? I think not!
Lax ball work/band work/some technique work on rings
Paused front squats: barx10, 135x5, 225x3x3, 245x2x2
Paused bench press (3 second pause at chest): barx10, 135x5, 185x3x3, 225x3x3
7 min AMRAP: 10 overhead lunges (barbell, 95lbs), 5 ring pullups, 5 ring dips
Conditioning: 5k row
Foam roll/band work/lots of hip mobility stuff
Deadlift (sumo): 135x5, 225x5, 275x5x5
Split jerks: barx10, 95x5, 135x5x5
Strict toes to bar: 3x10
Treadmill sprints: 10 rounds 20 sec sprint 40 sec rest
I suck at pulling sumo, it fries the external rotators in my hip. Probably because I don’t do them often but being short I feel there is no way that this is an ideal set up for me.
1/3 Rest / shoveling snow for 3 hours…at least it was light and fluffy, the wet stuff is a pain to deal with.
Foam roll/hip + shoulder mobility stuff, 10 box jumps
Rack pulls: 135x5, 225x5,315x3, 365x3, 405x2x2, 455x2x2
Dead-squats: 135x5, 225x5, 275x5x5
Clean high pulls: 95x5, 135x5, 185x3x3
No conditioning in the gym today…had to help my sister and her husband move into their house, I forgot how much moving furniture sucks haha. Decided to rescue a dog and just got approved by the shelter, little guy should be here Tuesday so my training might suck this week.
Foam roll/band work, 10 explosive box jumps
Paused squats (3 second pause): 135x5, 225x5, 275x3x3, 285x2x2
Floor press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x3x3, 245x2x2
5 rounds of: 20kb swings, 10 toes to bar, 5 handstand pushups
Going to switch up my programming a bit and see what happens. I plan on squatting twice (1 front squat, 1 squat) and deadlifting twice per week. I will add a 5th day to practice olympic lifts/gymnastic moves. Haven’t found a program that suits all my needs, if anyone has any suggestions I’m all ears.
Foam roll/band work/20 med ball slams…internal/external rotators of my hip are tight as hell at the moment
Deadlift: 135x5 (double paused), 225x3, 315x3x3, 365x2x2, 225x2x3
Split jerks: barx5, 95x5, 135x3x3 (10 min “rest”), 135x3x3
Toes to bar (fairly strict):3x10
5x30 sec aerodyne sprints
My 10 min “rest” was due to a crazy conversation with a MD about large particle/small + medium particle LDL and cholesterol in general. There may not be enough empirical evidence to truly back me up but recent research is suggesting that as long as you’re ACTIVE and NOT SEDENTARY and you’re cholesterol sources are from wild/grass-fed/pastured/organic/properly raised animals and not industrialized farmed genetically pumped up mutant critters, the impact of dietary cholesterol is relatively minimal on blood cholesterol. Now genetics play a huge factor in this so that research could go out the window if something is going on, but if not the research should hold. The doctor however does not agree with this. He says no matter what, if you eat a cholesterol rich food, even if its from a clean source, it will have a huge impact on blood cholesterol. He obviously knows more than I do, but he is also 65 and is not up to date on current research. Speak up if you have any thoughts on the subject…rant over
Foam roll/band work focused on hips/t-spine today + some extra mobility work
Gymnastic work: 10 pullovers/10 backroll to support
Power cleans (from hang): barx5, 75x5, 125x3, 165x3x3, 175x2x2, 185x1, 195x1, 165x2x2
Barbell rows: 95x5, 135x5, 155x5x5
Conditioning: 50 KB swings, 50 wall balls, 50 burpees for time (7 min 23 seconds)
My cleans have been dialed in lately, all the mobility work from K-star and others has helped my hip hinge tremendously. I haven’t come close to a max effort clean and jerk in awhile and I can’t wait to destroy my old PR sometime soon. My lifetime goal of a 2x BW clean and jerk is still a ways off, but it seems a hell of a lot more reachable now than it did 6 months ago.
1/9 Rest
Foam roll/band work/lots of hip mobility stuff
Paused front squats: barx5, 135x5, 185x2x3, 225x2x3, 185x2x2…knee was feeling funky today so I kept it light
Paused Bench press: barx5, 135x5, 185x2x3, 205x2x3, 225x3, 205x3
Conditioning: 3 rounds of double overhand holds 315 for 30 seconds, 5 ring muscle ups, 1 unsupported hand stand pushup
1/11 Moving stuff
1/12 Moving more stuff
1/13 Severely underestimated how much crap I have…
Just finished moving into my place, wasn’t planning on moving until Feb. but I got the chance to do it now so I did. Training obviously didn’t happen the past few days but I’ll get back on the horse tomorrow. On the plus side, I got to roll around with a sick Judoka (she took home the gold medal in 2012), got tossed around for awhile but I learned some good stuff, awesome experience overall.
New template will look something like this, feel free to critique, I’m not 100% sold on the split.
Day 1 Deadlift/Push press (both conventional, ramp to 3RM) + Assistance work (done as a MetCon)
Day 2 Front squat/Bench press (ramp to 3/5RM) + Assistance MetCon
Day 3 C+J/Snatch (technique/ramp to 5RM) + Sled pushes/pulls
Day 4 Rest/MetCon/Technique work for rings/gymnastic movements
Day 5 Deadlift variant (sumo/snatch grip/dead-squat)/Split Jerks + 3x1min weighted carry
Day 6 Pause Squat/Bench press variant (Close grip/Floor press/from pins, Volume) + Assistance MetCon
Day 7 Rest/MetCon/Technique work
Band work/mobility work, couple box jumps
Paused squats (3 second pause): barx5, 135x5, 225x3, 275x3x3, 285x3
Weighted ring dips: 25x3x10
1k ergx3
Agile 8, 10 overhead throws
Deadlift: 135x5, 225x3, 255x3, 315x6x3…all double overhand
Split jerks: 75x3, 135x3, 155x3x3
25 ring pullups, 25 ring chinups
Band stuff for my hips, 10 box jumps
Paused front squat (3 sec pause, full clean grip): barx5, 95x5, 135x3, 185x3, 225x3x3, 245x2
Bench press (from pins): 95x3, 135x3, 185x3, 225x2x2, 245x2x2
3x3 minute rounds of heavy bag work
Foam roll/band work, 10 overhead throws
Deadsquats: 75x5, 165x5, 255x3, 275x3, 305x3, 315x3x3
Push press: 95x5, 135x3, 155x3, 185x1, 195x1, 205x1
7 min AMRAP: 25 KB swings (25kg), 5 ring dips, 5 ring pullups
Push press felt awesome today…205 is a PR for now, hoping to get 225 in a couple weeks time.
1/18 Rest
Foam roll/band work, couple box jumps to warmup
Hang squat cleans: 75x5, 95x5, 165x3x3
Hang snatch: barx5, 75x5, 95x5, 105x3x3
Split jerks: barx5, 75x5, 135x3, 165x3x3
Kept the cleans/snatches light today, I did everything hook grip since my hook grip sucks. Split jerks felt pretty good, 165 went up fairly quick.
Starting new program, basically a 5/3/1 scheme with more volume and some metabolic conditioning thrown in, will run it for a few weeks and see what happens.
Lots of mobility work for hips/t spine, 10 overhead slams
Squats: barx5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x3, 295x3, 315x3x3, 225x2x3
Bench press (feet up, 1 sec pause): barx5, 95x5, 135x3
MetCon: 5 rounds of 20kb swings, 5 strict pullups, 5 strict handstand pushups