A Reward for Being a Fat Ass

Saw this restaurant on most extreme pig outs on the travel channel. If your over 350lbs you apparently get to eat for free at this restaurant which features massive hamburgers and an all you can eat bar (instead of salad bar) of french frys fried in lard. Just seeing these blue whales stuff food in their fat faces was enough to make me momentarily consider going on a Gluttony rampage via Seven.


This is brilliant! It’s gonna help getting rid of fat people real fast!

I’ve never been squeamish, but a couple of years ago I took my wife and son to eat at Appleby’s. Inside, we were the only healthy-looking family. Everyone there was such an obese pig, I literally lost my appetite. I should have chosen a seat that faced the wall. Instead, I took my customary “face the door” position, and regretted it every time another fucking whale entered the joint.

I think that place is kind of sick. I have no problem with eating contests but being rewarded for being so obscenely over weight…

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
I’ve never been squeamish, but a couple of years ago I took my wife and son to eat at Appleby’s. Inside, we were the only healthy-looking family. Everyone there was such an obese pig, I literally lost my appetite. I should have chosen a seat that faced the wall. Instead, I took my customary “face the door” position, and regretted it every time another fucking whale entered the joint. [/quote]

Location: New Jersey, USA

I don’t have any problem with that. It is just a guy trying to stand out in the business by doing something different

saw this on canadian-french tv a while ago

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
I’ve never been squeamish, but a couple of years ago I took my wife and son to eat at Appleby’s. Inside, we were the only healthy-looking family. Everyone there was such an obese pig, I literally lost my appetite. I should have chosen a seat that faced the wall. Instead, I took my customary “face the door” position, and regretted it every time another fucking whale entered the joint. [/quote]

yeah but how awesome would it be to go to this place, pound a triple bypass burger and a jolt cola and then hit a double bicep while i jump up and go “BAM! in yo’ face!”

man that shit looks good

Next time i am in chandler arizona, i am so gonna go eat there. Damn that quadruple bypass looks good. Those nurses look hot too.

Im as big a fan as the next guy when it comes to big ass burgers, but smothering everything in lard? And the 350+lbs people eat for free rule? That just seems like the beginning of some weak plot by the government to rid America of its obesity problem, one heart attack at a time.

I’ve heard of this place so many times. It’s the fucking shit, and someday I will eat a burger there. You’ve gotta admit that’d be one hell of a cheat meal.

I’m a chubby chaser