Mr Luoma, i am but a humble gym rat, and an unremarkable one at that. And, i realize you must be a very busy man, what with all the Taiwanese strippers, “personal” training sessions with the gym bunnies and other professional engagements. But from the bottom of my heart, i miss you sir. I miss all the articles and LiveSpills, without them, i feel a very important part of the T Nation community is missing.
I know that when i first came to this site, the first thing i did was read every last one of your articles. It gave me wisdom and insight on everything from how to man up in the gym, to how to man up in general. Your words have inspired me, and made me laugh my scrawny ass off. Yes there are many great writers and coaches on this site, but you seem to be the missing link in our quest for muscle and strength.
This website has been very good to me and thousands of others. We all have benefited not only from your writings but from the whole site. But goddamn, where you been lately? we need you to liven the place up. I hope its not pretentious of me to ask this of you, but i would love to see another hilarious, kickass, ball busting article from you sir. And keep them coming! So whenever you can find time away from womanizing the greater southern california area, being a beacon of testosterone to a lost sea of men out there, feel free to throw another article our way. its been a while man.
With all due respect and undying appreciation,
At this point i would like to invite everyone who misses the big guys writing to sign this petition and send him a shout out. you know you could use a good kick in the ass from this guy.