I’m always coming across random stuff: funny stuff, interesting stuff, stuffy stuff. So, let’s build a thread of totally unrelated bits of randomness. Themeless, pointless, weirdly amusing if you’re bored or have ADHD. I’ll start:
My first thought was “Ha ha. Good!”
I asked AI to turn a photo of my wife into an action movie about her and her houseplant. This is what I got:
Its not randomness without squirrels. These creatures are truly next level.
There’s a squirrel that was eating my tomatoes. I figured it had to be deer, but nope. Little dude came strolling right up one day a few weeks ago ready to chow down and madly scrambled when he realized I was sitting very still right next to him.
So now I have to domesticate him/her. It lives in a walnut tree behind the house.
All the bronze, silver and gold used for the medals at the Tokyo Olympics was recycled from 78,000 tons of old electronics the people of Japan dumped into donation boxes.