8 Weeks in T, 2 Weeks with HCG

54 yo - 8 weeks of weekly t shots. 2 weeks ago I added HCG injections In between the T shots, I did not like the shrinkage. They also added 1/4 pill of a to be taken 48 hours after the HCG.
2 days after the the second HCG injection the area around my nipples feel strange, not pain full but strange. I am concerned about breast enlargement. I have always been thin- 6’ 180 lbs.
Is the strange feeling in chest a sign of on coming breast enlargement? what steps should i take next?

Give us your test protocol and dosage. Also how much hcg per week and in what amounts.

Any blood work to look at?

Continuing the discussion from 8 Weeks in T, 2 Weeks with HCG:

my first labs after 5 weeks

I’m assuming that your blood work is after you started TRT? If so, why did DR. test LH and FSH? Anyone who is prescribing testosterone should know how it works and what it shuts down in one’s body.

And where is FT at ?

Anyway, your e2 is low at 13. You mentioned taking a 1/4 pill of something. What pill? Anastrazole? If so, stop taking it.

What is your protocol like? How much test? How frequent.

I’m guessing your dr. has no clue what he’s doing. He’s trying albeit.

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100 t weekly
Yes Anastrazole

They started me on Anastrazole after 3 weeks because I had gained a bunch of water weight

Then added hgc so even though e was low they said it would go up with hgc

What causes the breast tenderness?

I go to a clinic that specializes in t replacement

I’m assuming that your blood work is after you started TRT? If so, why did DR. test LH and FSH? Anyone who is prescribing testosterone should know how it works and what it shuts down in one’s body.

And where is FT at ?

Anyway, your e2 is low at 13. You mentioned taking a 1/4 pill of something. What pill? Anastrazole? If so, stop taking it.

What is your protocol like? How much test? How frequent.

I’m guessing your dr. has no clue what he’s doing. He’s trying albeit.

Your doctor also used the Roche ECLIA methodology instead of the Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry which is for men. You don’t even have SHBG tested, SHBG dictates your TRT protocol.

Injections once weekly is dumb, large infrequent dosing will drive estrogen and it’s no surprise that you need an AI. Naturally we produce 7-10mg daily, so 100mg weekly is far from ideal. This clinic is doing everything wrong.

Specializes in T replacement, according to whom?

Perhaps they believe that they do, I’ve seen worse.

The fact they’re testing LH and FSH after he’s been on trt and are not testing shbg and ft speaks volumes.

The breast tenderness could be due to e2 rising from the newly added hcg. I’m assuming your e2 test was taken while not on hcg.

They Could increase your test dose as your tt is average high. This would also increase e2 which is low. But I’d like to see how your ft and shbg rates. Those are most important, yet strangely not tested.

It’s pretty much all they do. I obviously don’t know much if anything so I looked for a place that seemed the most professional.

My SHBG is low so if I don’t inject EOD or everyday I don’t get the full benefits of TRT. In time you may start to feel bad leading up to your injection, if this happens you’ll know why.


My dr here knows nothing about trt. Just prescribed me 150mg a week to inject how I want. Like systemlord, I inject eod (every other day) and I’m finding it’s best for me. I have done twice a week protocols, weekly protocols, and biweekly protocols. But given my blood work, namely lowish shbg, I feel best eod shots.

He lets me do whatever tests I want as well.

So what I’m saying is it’s not your fault, as trt isn’t something we’ll known by most drs

Do your research and READ as much as you can about trt in these forums.

How do you feel on the 100mg test once per week shot so far?