Hi T-nation,
Didn’t know in which forum section to put this as it’s touching the fine line between TRT and general advice.
Starting off, 25y/o and about 2 years ago i measured my T levels as i was constantly tired, my mind was hazy 24/7 and i made no gains even though i was fresh to the gym (really shattered my motivation as i trained pretty intense during these 8 months). No need to mention my TDEE, protein intake etc… had that all calculated correctly to a viable degree.
Ended up taking bloodwork and landed on 346 ng (12nmol/L) which was completely normal for a dude my age according to my doc.
1 year passed and i descided to search for help again. 11 months in, 5 bloodworks done and MRI of the Thyroid. Latest test came back at 7 nmol/L with normal LH FSH values which is below the reference value.
Now I recently started to self administrate Testogel because i just couldn’t wait anymore. 7 weeks in and my sex drive is as it used to be when i was 20, mind is sharper, made my first noticeable gains in the gym and i actually have energy to do everyday normal things.
Here is where i need advice… i got another blood test coming up at the end of this month but i am not sure if i should stop the testogel cold turkey, hop on a low dose of Nolva hoping to hit the fine line of 7-8 nmol/L again which will maybe provide “official” treatment or keep going the self administrating route. What holds me back is the unnaturally lowered FSH, LH and test levels that will obviously show up on the bloodwork.
What would you do in this situation?