[quote]Fuzzyapple.Train wrote:
Pretty lean I would say 170-180 little more on the 180 side.[/quote]
Youre pretty spot on. I weigh 175 in those pics. I was just wondering because when someone says that they are 6’2" and 175 on these forums they usually get laughed at. I was also wondering if I looked heavier than I really was because some of my friends assumed I weighed around 200. They really dont know what theyre talking about though. Ah well, time to go eat…
as mentioned already, SUPER impressive physique at 16. Those quads are something to be proud of.
Keep eating, and lifting heavy and by the time you’re 21 you’ll be a legend. Good work. Keep working.
What do you think my body fat percentage is in the pics? Ive never never been tested with calipers. Just wondered if someone with experience could give any insight.
U look good, your about my age, you outweigh me and your taller too…you look good, especially arms and back width, wanna put more emphasis on chest though, that can be a real bitch if not targetted well, trust me…i know