600lb Bench Press

What do ya think? Strong huh?

Sturdy construction.

Wow, there’s no way I could do a bench like that…I would die first. Teehee!

hhahaha, yea very strong

I wish I had his calves.

HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN!!! I mean seriously how the hell do you get that F’ing fat! No one just wakes up one morning like “Well all be damn, my penis is gone?”

[quote]dfreezy wrote:
I wish I had his cankles.[/quote]

I fixed it for you…

clearly he’s eating too much meat and must instead switch to TEH WHOLE GRAINZ

he’s starring at that chics ass like “i’d stick my hotdog… mmmmm hotdog!”

Holeee fucking sheepshit!!!

I don’t understand HOW someone can get that fat. It’s disgusting, to be honest. It must take ages of sloth and overeating to get that way…it’s like just sitting down, attaching a feeding tube to your mouth, and staying that way for years.

It is just his off-season bulk in my opinion.

Thats the reason why I couldn’t find any XXXXXXL shirts at the store today.

i’d assume he has a thyroid problem; as well as horrible genetics, diet and no motivation to move.

except this day that he made it to the park.

If you are that fat, how do you perform basic everyday movements, like tying your shoes or walking through doorways?

[quote]Tristram wrote:
If you are that fat, how do you perform basic everyday movements, like tying your shoes or walking through doorways?


Forget that man. Imagine not being able to attract a girl and not being able to reach yourself.

The pink cell phone isnt even that akward anymore

I think that with people that are that big exercise and healthy eating should be forced on them by the state. Or give them a gun and stop wasting our air. I know this sounds bad but there should be no excuse to be that over weight.

I would give someone of that size electric shocks to force them to move. Then give them a high fiber, high protien, moderate carb diet. Eventually they would lose the weight. But that would have a tent of empty skin they could donate to burn victims as payment for the program saving his life.

[quote]dirtbag wrote:
I think that with people that are that big exercise and healthy eating should be forced on them by the state. Or give them a gun and stop wasting our air. I know this sounds bad but there should be no excuse to be that over weight.

I would give someone of that size electric shocks to force them to move. Then give them a high fiber, high protien, moderate carb diet. Eventually they would lose the weight. But that would have a tent of empty skin they could donate to burn victims as payment for the program saving his life. [/quote]

Sadly I actually agree with this. eventually that person is going to have MAJOR health issue, if he (she?) doesnt already…
it is mind blowing how someone could even get that way…


[quote]dday wrote:
HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN!!! I mean seriously how the hell do you get that F’ing fat! No one just wakes up one morning like “Well all be damn, my penis is gone?”[/quote]

happens over time… It is like this… you start to get overweight and you just push off doing something and continue to eat shit until your 100lbs over weight and dont want to do anything about it. When that happens you eat more and more an then your 500lbs and you blame genetics… get a band surgery and say I look so skinny! when you weigh 350lbs and your still 65% bf.

makes you wonder why people dont just eat healthier