I’m 5 weeks into running:
Test E 500mg PW
Deca 250mg PW
Primobolan 250mg PW
Proviron 20mg a day
Anadrol 25mg pre work out EOD or so
Arimidex 0.5mg E3D
By week 3 I was waking up rock hard and jerking off 2 times a day with my sex drive thru the roof! As of a few days ago my sex drive has gone down to next to nothing. Still waking up hard but don’t seem to wanna have sex and when I do I’m not into it and have trouble staying focused and hard.
No clue what is going on. My nipples are not sensitive like a week ago so don’t think it’s from high estrogen. And not taking enough arimidex to have it to low. I’m at a loss for why I’m in this position.
Should I up my test or proviron?? Please help this is very frustrating. This is my 5th cycle in 4 years time. But in the past all my cycles have been for cutting and included tren and mast e. This is my first bulking cycle with deca however.
Also my gear is from a good friend that’s been making it for over 10 years so it’s not a issue with my stuff.