Hi guy so here we go I am 30 y/old I am doing my first cycle after training hardcore for the past 2 year. My diet is not great but it’s okay I am getting enough prot but I should take more calorie/day (I am about 2500calorie/day) I am resting well, not drinking. I am training hard and 3-4 time a week.
Overall my bench/squat/Deadlift is around 1000lbs
I am taking test-e 500mg pin twice a week (250x2/week) I am at my 5 weeks and I see no difference at ALL. I didn’t upgrade my weight at the gym, I didn’t see difference in the mirror (I even have pic). I don’t feel anything different about my sex drive (Was already quite active). I don’t feel any high e2 sympto either. Actually I don’t feel any difference between now and then. No side No up.
Sounds like you already know what the problem is: eat more.
What were your stats before the cycle: height, weight, bodyfat %, etc? What are your stats now? Do you know of your gear is legit; did it come from a pharmacy, the internet, or another gym-bro?
At 500mg/week you should at least notice some invigorating effect; maybe your gear is bunk. Did you do labs before you started? Maybe you should go get some labs done now so you have an idea of where your test level is.
This is the answer. Always. Your body needs more food to build more muscle. No way around that. Why would you start a cycle if your diet wasn’t already dialed in properly? That’s like 90% of strength training and physique building right there.