46and2's Testosterone Thread

Ok folks, here we go!

Age - 35
Height - 5’8.5"
Waist - 30"
Weight - 143 lbs
Hair - Patchy facial hair, very thin. Body hair is white/uncolored except for armpits, some on chest, and pubic hair. No hair on lower 1/3 of legs below the knees.
Fat - Carried on belly and love handles

Symptoms - Low sex drive for several years, decreased motivation and performance at work, brain fog/memory issues, sometimes softer erections, overall less enjoyment of life.
Drugs - No prostate or hair loss, smoked weed 20-ish years ago.

Lab results - My urologist did not run what I asked, this is all they ran:
Free Test: 0.26 nmol/L Range: 0.11-0.66
Total Test: 284 ng/dl Range: 175-781 (WTF is with this range?)
ALB: 4.5 g/dL Range: 3.0-5.0
SHBG: 16.70 nmol/L Range: 13.30-89.50 (Notes say Males 20-50 Years)

Diet - 2200 calories per day. Rice, oats, chicken/turkey, almonds, whey, eggs, spinach fruit. About 35/35/30 pro/cho/fat
Training - 5/3/1 boring but big on S/S/T/Th. M-W-F is BJJ class and T-Th is an hour of BJJ drilling. I have a 6 year old so I get at least 3-5 hours a week of trampoline, soccer, etc fun time.
Testes ache - Never
Morning wood - Much rarer than before, almost never now unless I need to pee.

Obviously I did not get all the tests ran that I needed. So I am going to buy them on my own. But I was really puzzled at their range for normal - 175-781. They said I am low but in the normal range so they do not need a follow-up appointment. So my next step is to get a full panel with thyroid and everything ran. Hopefully I will know more quickly.

Ok, got some test results as ordered from a clinic doctor (through LabCorp). Here are the more interesting ones. I can post all if needed.

Total Test
399 ng/dL

Free Test (Direct)
11.2 pg/mL

2.270 uIU/mL

4.7 mIU/mL

23.5 pg/mL

0.6 ng/mL

Total Cholesterol
270 mg/dL

51 mg/dL


191 mg/dL

139 mg/dL

VLDL Cholesterol
28 mg/dL

So a couple of things jump out at me. First is the 110 point jump in total test, although I guess that could be caused by the testers since the ranges are different? Second is the cholesterol numbers. Holy crap they look bad to me. I’m not overweight, I weight train and do BJJ, all my fats come from fish oil, nuts/seeds, and lean meat. My parents both have/had high cholesterol and took medication for it, so it may be genetic. I’m talking with the new doc tomorrow but I am really concerned about the cholesterol numbers. Any thoughts on lowering that naturally without statins?

New doc wants to do a 30 day run of Clomid to see if we can get me kickstarted. .25mg of adex once a week to control E2. Bloodwork after that to see how I respond. If that fails we are going to TRT.

First dosage of Clomid today. Any idea how long it will take to being working, if it does?

I had a positive response after 5 weeks at 25mg/day

damn bro and we meet again haha good to see ur moving forward, what u also need to be aware of are the sides associated with clomid,

1 big one i had was blurry vision, it is a known side effect, and if u google u will find out a few more :slight_smile:

5 weeks at 25 mlg a day put u were? and how long will u be off before ur next bloowork?

if this does not raise ur levels and they stick, then it might be time for a harder restart that will include all ur pct items…

let me know how this turns out for ya!

[quote]j2048b wrote:
damn bro and we meet again haha good to see ur moving forward, what u also need to be aware of are the sides associated with clomid,

1 big one i had was blurry vision, it is a known side effect, and if u google u will find out a few more :slight_smile:

5 weeks at 25 mlg a day put u were? and how long will u be off before ur next bloowork?

if this does not raise ur levels and they stick, then it might be time for a harder restart that will include all ur pct items…

let me know how this turns out for ya![/quote]

Haha, yeah I am all over the place lol. I am on 50mg/day for 30 days. We are going to do a blood test about 3 weeks in to see what it shows. If it shows positive signs, he wants to taper off and see if I can produce testosterone on my own. If not we are going to go injections with hcg and anastrozole.

Got my labs back today. I am a bit surprised at the numbers:

Testosterone, Serum: 1195 ng/dl 348-1197
Free Testosterone (Direct): 33.7 pg/mL 8.7-25.1 (HIGH)
LH: 11.9 mIU/mL 1.7-8.6 (HIGH)
Estradiol: 57.1 pg/mL 7.2-42.6 (HIGH)

So it appears I responded well to the Clomid. My E2 is high, but I have read you cannot accurately test E2 while on Clomid. If that is false, then I guess I needed a bit more than .25mg adex a week. So I am scheduling an appointment with the doctor next week to go over the results. My guess is we will ween me off of the Clomid and then retest after a while to see where my levels stand.

Your E2 is accurate:
Cut your clomid dose in half
your LH is high
high LH or hCG can cause high T–>E2 and anastrozole cannot control that inside the testes.
suggest 1.0mg anastrozole per week in divided doses
might work with lower clomid dose

How do you feel? Some feel fucked up on clomid. If so, switch to Nolvadex.

Labs should have been LH/FSH, not LH

Read these stickies:

  • advice for new guys
  • thyroid basics - TSH should be near 1.0, yours is a problem
    – are you iodine deficient?
    – check your body temperatures!!!

Your E2 does not explain problem, so might be elevated prolactin, test that


  • E2, TT, FT
  • prolactin
  • DHEA-S
  • fT3, fT4, TSH
  • PSA, not needed at your age but some docs would CYA

To restart HPTA, you need to taper off of SERM and land on 1/2mg anastrozole per week in divided doses and cruise on that - prevents estrogen rebound. Then test LH AND FSH, T, FT, E2 after 4-6 weeks. If things stay good, you are done, else check prolactin.

Damn, KSman dropping knowledge bombs in here. Thank you sir, I will prepare my notes for my Dr. appt next week.