"The two sales are being referred to by market traders as “bin Laden trades” because only an event on the scale of 9-11 could make these short-sell options valuable.
There are 65,000 contracts @ $750.00 for the SPX 700 calls for open interest. That controls 6.5 million shares at $750 = $4.5 Billion. Not a single trade. But quite a bit of $$ on a contract that is 700 points away from current value. No one would buy that deep “in the money” calls. No reason to. So if they were sold looks like someone betting on massive dislocation. Lots of very strange option activity that I haven’t seen before.
The entity or individual offering these sales can only make money if the market drops 30%-50% within the next four weeks. If the market does not drop, the entity or individual involved stands to lose over $1 billion just for engaging in these contracts!
Clearly, someone knows something big is going to happen BEFORE."
I’m still very optimistic that the Credit Crunch won’t metastasize. What’s really scary about the global economy is how much correlated the world markets have become. Hence no sector nor market may be safe not even cash. I’m most puzzled by how much my PM sector has suffered, especially gold. So much for a hedge against a weakening dollar. I don’t despair though as it only makes up 5% of my portfolio.
I’m a long term investor that is sitting on some cash and will continue to do so until the situation stabilizes or there’s a significant decline making it a great buying opportunity.
It will be interesting to see how the UN council, trilateral commission and world bank bring order to the present situation’s chaos. In the past, world wars resulted in closer international ties and with economies today being so interdependent and communication being thousands of times more effective, i wouldn’t doubt another attack would be used to usher more progress towards a “new world order”. If history is our model for the future, we can safely count on democratic ideals, personal rights and a drive for improvements in the quality of life, all things we can look forward too in any country.
I don’t believe a false flag operation would be a part of some sinister scheme using the worlds most important money market though. It seems it would be way too fragile and dangerous for all involved. When things tilt to a conspiracy theory with out any real backing they lose credibility imo.
“What if…” mentalities usually just result in a bunch of internet chicken littles. Financial markets do funny things for a variety of reasons.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
"The two sales are being referred to by market traders as “bin Laden trades” because only an event on the scale of 9-11 could make these short-sell options valuable.
There are 65,000 contracts @ $750.00 for the SPX 700 calls for open interest. That controls 6.5 million shares at $750 = $4.5 Billion. Not a single trade. But quite a bit of $$ on a contract that is 700 points away from current value. No one would buy that deep “in the money” calls. No reason to. So if they were sold looks like someone betting on massive dislocation. Lots of very strange option activity that I haven’t seen before.
The entity or individual offering these sales can only make money if the market drops 30%-50% within the next four weeks. If the market does not drop, the entity or individual involved stands to lose over $1 billion just for engaging in these contracts!
Clearly, someone knows something big is going to happen BEFORE."
Man, I have read about this on some other blogs, and I think it’s all bullshit. This is even on Alex Jones’s website, so it automatically loses ALL credibility with me.
Anyways, this is what I predict. Nothing is going to happen, then I will be able to gloat and brag about how wrong they all were, and how right I am! That’s right folks! I will be sending out my “I told ya so” in advacne here! I love being right about things, when everyone else is wrong! It feel so good!
Then of course the same whackos will try to save face stating it was their insight and “connections” to the market that prevented it all from happening or some other stupid buillshit.
I even asked one of these conspiracy theory nutcases, “what are you going to say when NOTHING happens?” and he replied, “well, I’ll say that it was a relief, and that it’s a great day!”
Come on now. Own up to your mistakes. If you say that the sky is falling, and then it doesn’t, you should be barred from speaking about such things indefintely. Or at least barred from internets, or something to ensure that you will not speak on things that you have no clue about.
I will be looking forward to this “nothing happens” day. It will be SOOOOOOO sweet to shove it all in their faces when NOTHING happens.
"Bear in mind that the last time anyone conducted such large and unusual stock option trades (like this one) was in the weeks before the attacks of September 11.
Back then, they bought huge numbers of PUTS on airline stocks in the same airlines whose planes were involved in the September 11 attacks.
Despite knowing who made these trades, the Securities and Exchange Commission NEVER revealed who made the unusual trades and no one was ever publicly identified as being responsible for the trades which made upwards of $50 million when the attacks happened.
The fact that this latest activity by a single entity gambles on a complete collapse of the entire market by the third week in September, seems to indicate someone knows something really huge is in the works and they intend to profit almost $2 Billion within the next four weeks from whatever happens!"
[quote]skaz05 wrote:
Man, I have read about this on some other blogs, and I think it’s all bullshit. This is even on Alex Jones’s website, so it automatically loses ALL credibility with me.
Anyways, this is what I predict. Nothing is going to happen, then I will be able to gloat and brag about how wrong they all were, and how right I am! That’s right folks! I will be sending out my “I told ya so” in advacne here! I love being right about things, when everyone else is wrong! It feel so good!
Then of course the same whackos will try to save face stating it was their insight and “connections” to the market that prevented it all from happening or some other stupid buillshit.
I even asked one of these conspiracy theory nutcases, “what are you going to say when NOTHING happens?” and he replied, “well, I’ll say that it was a relief, and that it’s a great day!”
Come on now. Own up to your mistakes. If you say that the sky is falling, and then it doesn’t, you should be barred from speaking about such things indefintely. Or at least barred from internets, or something to ensure that you will not speak on things that you have no clue about.
I will be looking forward to this “nothing happens” day. It will be SOOOOOOO sweet to shove it all in their faces when NOTHING happens.[/quote]
"Bear in mind that the last time anyone conducted such large and unusual stock option trades (like this one) was in the weeks before the attacks of September 11.
Back then, they bought huge numbers of PUTS on airline stocks in the same airlines whose planes were involved in the September 11 attacks.
Despite knowing who made these trades, the Securities and Exchange Commission NEVER revealed who made the unusual trades and no one was ever publicly identified as being responsible for the trades which made upwards of $50 million when the attacks happened.
The fact that this latest activity by a single entity gambles on a complete collapse of the entire market by the third week in September, seems to indicate someone knows something really huge is in the works and they intend to profit almost $2 Billion within the next four weeks from whatever happens! "
Goldman Sachs will report its next set of profits in mid-September and the rest of Wall Street’s finest will follow suit. It promises to be a painful experience, and not just for US banks.
Somebody made a whole hell of a lot of money from 9/11. The fact that no one was ever brought to task for possibly being part of the conspiracy is bothersome.
If a lot of fat cats make tons on the next 9/11 style attack (let’s pray it never happens), then there need to be consequences.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
If a lot of fat cats make tons on the next 9/11 style attack (let’s pray it never happens), then there need to be consequences.[/quote]
There is no way something of the scale of 9/11 will happen again. The best a terror group can do is blow a few cars up.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Somebody made a whole hell of a lot of money from 9/11. The fact that no one was ever brought to task for possibly being part of the conspiracy is bothersome.
If a lot of fat cats make tons on the next 9/11 style attack (let’s pray it never happens), then there need to be consequences.
There is no way something of the scale of 9/11 will happen again. The best a terror group can do is blow a few cars up.[/quote]
Despite knowing who made these trades, the Securities and Exchange Commission NEVER revealed who made the unusual trades and no one was ever publicly identified as being responsible for the trades which made upwards of $50 million when the attacks happened.
Because of the above, lixy, I cannot agree with you. They are surely unrepentant, to say the least.
[quote]skaz05 wrote:
Man, I have read about this on some other blogs, and I think it’s all bullshit. This is even on Alex Jones’s website, so it automatically loses ALL credibility with me.
Anyways, this is what I predict. Nothing is going to happen, then I will be able to gloat and brag about how wrong they all were, and how right I am! That’s right folks! I will be sending out my “I told ya so” in advacne here! I love being right about things, when everyone else is wrong! It feel so good!
Then of course the same whackos will try to save face stating it was their insight and “connections” to the market that prevented it all from happening or some other stupid buillshit.
I even asked one of these conspiracy theory nutcases, “what are you going to say when NOTHING happens?” and he replied, “well, I’ll say that it was a relief, and that it’s a great day!”
Come on now. Own up to your mistakes. If you say that the sky is falling, and then it doesn’t, you should be barred from speaking about such things indefintely. Or at least barred from internets, or something to ensure that you will not speak on things that you have no clue about.
I will be looking forward to this “nothing happens” day. It will be SOOOOOOO sweet to shove it all in their faces when NOTHING happens.[/quote]
I think I was the only person that was not in on the first attack. Now that I have learned the truth here perhaps they will let me get a piece of the action.