Hi guys,
so I was diagnosed with hypogonadism (long story - in short, I was like my batteries were down to 2%, fatigue all the time etc - turned out my natural Test levels at 36 were under 150, in a lab range from 300…1200; my E was so low it was below the measurable threshold) last October. Everything else was checked - no thyroid issues etc. etc.
I started TRT end of October, but had to change doctors as my endo was clueless and underdosed, shutting down my natural production while not providing enough exogenous test.
I deicded to self-medicate and basically found a doc that said “look, I check your blood, you take what you think makes sense for you”, so I get pharma test (not pharma grade… original test from the pharmacy).
Important to notice, I’m 37 now, we have our 3 kids and decided to get sterilized, so the issue of my balls “functioning” is irrelevant to me.
After my “TRT restart” end of the year I decided “screw it, might as well start with a cycle before I go on life-long TRT anyway”. I’m fully aware that at my age, there’s no “back to normal” and I will be on TRT for the rest of my life, which doesn’t bother me at all.
So I decided to up my dosage to 250mg/week at first, got my bloodwork and was at around 2000 t (range 300…1300) with my E at the upper End, but within limits.
I had zero sides, so after 2 months I upped that to 437mg at first (250ml vials, 1/4 of that injected daily, so I end at that strange number). Felt great, still zero sides. So I decided to take it a step further and I’m up to 580 now (I do 1/3 of a vial daily now, so that’s 250/3 = 83mg/day * 7 = 583mg.
I still have zero sides except a bit of acne - I’ll check my blood soon but I’ve been donating blood every 3 months for the past years anyway, so hematocrit won’t be much of an issue for me, I was low-ish anyway.
after about 5 months now, I’m starting to see nice results, and I feel great. I’ve been doing sports all my life, but never made any significant gains - I assume I’ve been a low-test guy all my life - so I’d like to “ride the wave” for a bit longer.
My diet is on spot (I lost 18kg before I started TRT from 100kg to around 80kg, I’ve gained back around 10kg with constant bf of around 15%, so assume that’s mostly muscle mass) - I’ve been on a permament ketogenic diet for almost 2 years and play to stay on it, just like my wife, as it does us well. We basically eat mostly green vegetables, lots of meat, lots of cheese etc…
I exercise 6 times a week (3 times strenghts training, in between the days cardio, 1 day off).
So in short - I feel great, I have no sides and I’m thinking about what to do next.
I’m tempted to stay on my current dose for maybe half a year more before I go down to a regular (higher-end… maybe 200 or 250mg) TRT dose permamently.
I don’t plan any PCT as I don’t have sides, will be on TRT anyway and I don’t see any reason in taking any extra meds I don’t need.
What are the pros/cons of my plans of staying “on” a bit longer, assuming my blood work stays in rnage?
From the studies I’ve read, up to 600mg seems rather safe…
When I go down, shall I come down gradually (like 500, 350, 250) or doesn’t it matter?
Thanks for your opinions.