In December 17 I went to the doctor because I had every symptom of Low T, and felt very beat up. Total Test comes back at 230 on scale 280-800 So I tell the doctor what next because I probably need trt? He is TOTALLY against it, goes on tirade about how TRT is only popular now because it makes the companies a lot of money and how hes hesistant to give it to me because im so young, I tell him “I think I SHOULD be on it BECAUSE I am so young, I want to feel my age, not 20-30 years older” Hes still against it but says he will do an “expanded” blood panel and if that is low then refer me to a endo.
I have read many cases on this forum and… everywhere, of people getting the run around for TRT people going to gp then endo then uro then MRI then nowhere…
My question is this:
With the limited “expanded” blood panel that my doctor provided do I need TRT? I feel that I do as I want to feel my age and my main hobby is lifting weights and I have definitely been feeling the effects of low t (I think). The VA pays all my insurance so IF I could get it from there I would rather get it for free but it sounds like it could be a 6 month to year long process IF they will even give it to me.
Should I go to a men’s health or low t clinic as opposed to jumping through countless hoops with the VA only to get nowhere (only benefit would be that its free)?
-age 33
-height 5 foot 8 inches
-waist 40 inches
-weight 216
-describe body and facial hair: hair on my head started to thin 2 years ago. Hair everywhere, started to get hairy at like 9 years old, started shaving at 12. Thick eyebrow hair all the way.
-describe where you carry fat and how changed: I carry a majority of my fat on my love handles (40 inch waist), stomach and chest. Hourglass shaped with very big chest, like a bodybuilder
-health conditions, symptoms [history]
Dysthymia (depression most of my life)
PTSD started 2009 (Afgh)
Lower back arthritis
Right foot missing cartlidge 3-4th metatarsal , right knee pain
Vasectomy at age 30
At about age 30 I started to feel beat, run down, low energy, lethargic, takes longer and longer to recover from weight training. Used to always be able to rerack weight on the bench, but at 30-31 started not to feel that ability to push out that last rep.
Low vitamin D
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever
After 2009-2016 took just about every anti depressant under the sun (as prescribed) some pills would work for a year or two then stop working
Currently prescribed buproprion, ambien, prazosin, though im trying to get off of them.
I take normal vitamin daily and fish oil. On workout days (weights) I take 1x Animal Pak (lot of vitamins)
-lab results with ranges
Initially thought I had Low T because I felt I had all of the symptoms so doctor did very simple initial test.
12/26/17 blood test at 730am
Vit D 24.75 30-100
Testosterone T 2.3 2.8-8
After that Test I persisted and my doctor told me he would do an “expanded blood test for testosterone”
Albumin 4.9 3.5 - 5.2
PSA 0.6 0 – 4.0
WBC 5.9 4.3 – 10.
HCT 44.5 38.0 – 50.0
PLT 186 150 - 400
SHBG 23 10 - 80
Testosterone T 2.7 2.8 - 8
Testosterone Free 59 34 - 194
Test . wk 157 84 - 402
-describe diet
I aim for 180+ grams of protein, lot of chicken, some ground beef, some protein shakes after workout. About 180 carbs, avocado, almonds, for fats. Maybe once a week I eat candy, water or water with bcaa is my main drink, mostly water.
-describe training
Don’t think I have missed more than 2 days in like 4 years of working out.2 days on 1 day off weight training, maybe every other day ill do 15-25 min on bike. Day 1 chest day 2 bi tri day 3 OFF (sometimes on off days do smaller muscle groups traps, shoulders, forearm) day 4 back day 5 legs
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? No
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed
In past few years I don’t have morning wood anymore, occasionally when im about to fall asleep (during day) I will get wood. Over past year I have had several instances of wife wanting sex but I don’t feel the want myself (not aroused) but she will so we will attempt but its just not there, I don’t feel aroused or excited which has never happened.
-get cold easily? a change?No, Hardly ever wear a coat, feel hot most of the time but don’t sweat much. At night wife says I feel like a furnace. My hands are the first thing to get cold.
dry skin, brittle nails? No
use iodized salt? Occasionally table salt, pretty sure its iodized.
eat much sea food? maybe 2x a week, canned tuna, fish oil pills.
exposure to chemicals? I don’t think so. Had many shots and injections that the military (army) gave me, whatever all of those are.
general energy levels low
difficulty gaining muscle / recent muscle loss Difficulty gaining muscle, been weight lifting past 4 years with 2 days on 1 day off never really missed a day but seem to be stuck with muscle gain
weight gain (difficulty losing weight) yes difficulty losing weight. Won weight loss competition last year, 230-213 in 24 days but very tough time getting below 213 even though im very active at the gym.
chest size/gyno?/chest sensitivity 46 inch chest, no gyno, have crystallization of cartilage in my rib cage (from boot camp injury I think) so there is some chest pain from that occasionally
trouble urinating or awareness of prostate No
normal sleep patterns 8 hours of sleep, wake up once or twice during night
Information is greatly appreciated.