I’ve been a natural bodybuilder for around 12 years now, highly ignorant when it comes to test and other similar substances. This last year has been tough. I struggle through workouts, no energy, low libido (taken ashwaghanda, trib, DAA, etc. to try to help here), depression…goes on and on. Finally decided to get some lab work done and see what’s wrong. Luckily, I was referred to a good clinic with knowledgeable Endo’s (we’ll see).
Been married for 6 years now, 2 little kids now, want a couple more. I am just struggling with energy/motivation/etc.
By far, most helpful info I have read is on this site…hands down. After checking the basics, thyroid is not the problem with good readings and no body temp problems. Here are my labs (thank you for the insight on what labs to get):
Glucose (mg/dL) - 87 (70-99 supposedly optimal)
Vit D (ng/mL) - 65 (30-100 – been supplementing approx. 5000 iu D3 daily)
TSH (IU/mL) - 1.39 (0.27 - 4.2)
T4, free (ng/dL) - 1.39 (0.93 - 1.7)
T3, free (pg/mL) - 2.9 (2.0 - 4.4)
DHEA-S - 340 (160-449)
Estradiol aka E2 (pg/mL) - 16.6 (25.8 - 60.7)
Estrone aka E1 (pg/mL) - 15 (13 - 58)
FSH (mIU/mL) - 4.4 (1.5 - 12.4)
LH (mIU/mL) - 6.7 (1.7 - 8.6)
SHBG (nmol/L) - 42 (10 - 80)
TT (ng/dL) - 442 (from what I read this should be at least 600-800?)
Free T (ng/dL) - 7.84 (4.7 - 24.4)
DHT (ng/dL) - 34 (24 - 65)
Prolactin (ng/mL) - 7.51 (4.04 - 15.20)
WBC - 5.6
RBC - 5.6
Hemoglobin - 16.1
Hematocrit - 48%
MCV - 85
MCH - 29
MCHC - 34
RDW - 13.6%
Platelets - 266
Neutrophils - 50
Lymphocytes - 35%
Monocytes - 10%
Eosinophils - 4%
Basophils - 1%
PSA - 0.3 (0.1 - 3.9)
DR prescribed protocol (corrected upon closer inspection-slightly different than the ideal suggestion, but the hCG seems high while the anastrozole low):
50mg Test Cyp 2x/wk
750iu hCG 2x/wk
1/2mg anastrozole per wk
How does this protocol look based on my labs? New labs will be done in 6 weeks, but I want to make sure the DR is not a quack. Any other advice would be appreciated!