31 Years Old. Got Lab Results Back, Help Assessing?

Hey guys. Doctor sent me my results back as a scanned PDF, so unfortunately I cannot readily copy/paste them in full here. However, I’ve pulled some totals and wrote them in below. If you are willing to discuss with me, please me know if there are other levels you feel I should disclose to aid in discussion and if they are in the PDF, I will update them. Thanks again guys, you are all lifesavers.

PSA Total: 0.43 ng/ml
PSA Free: 0.15 ng/ml on July 26
% PSA Free: 35% on July 26
TSH: 2.270 uIU/mL on July 26

Testosterone Total: 488.2 ng/ml on July 26; 412.8 ng/ml on July 31
Testosterone Free: 86.62 pg/ml on July 26; 73.51 pg/ml on July 31
SHBG: 39 nmol/L on July 26; 38 nmol/L on July 31

How are we supposed to tell whether or not Free T is low without a unit of measure? On top of that every lab has different ranges which complicates things.

Would like to see Sensitive E2,prolactin and CBC.

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