Hey guys!
I’m 31 yo training consistently for about 2-3 years now. Been going to the gym on and off for 6 years before (half year on half year off due to my job)
Currently 6.0ft 200lbs @ about 16-17% body fat after a bulk and dieting to go down to arround 10% before starting my first cycle. All gear on cycle will be pharma grade.
Some photos bellow(they wheren’t intended for this purpose but they’re the only ones I have at the moment). I’ll try to get some with legs in them aswell asap.
I would say my legs are up to par with the rest of my body…except calves.i have terrible calve genetics.
Target is to add mass with as litlle fat as possible. Would be really happy with 10-20lb of lean muscle plus max 20-30%of that in fat.
Will do some bloods before cycle and post them here.
Also is there any recommended time frame for subsequent blood tests?
My intent is to do a 10-12 week 250mg E3D Test-E only cycle.
That comes out at about 583mg/wk
Question: is this too long for a first cycle? It’s my understanding that week 6-7 is actually where the sweet spot comes in on test e and the best gains follow from there.
From reading arround different forums is that HCG would be recommended while on cycle also at 2x250IU/week.
Question: Should i continue whith this in the 2 weeks AFTER stopping Test-E and BEFORE starting PCT? I know half life for Test-E is arround 11 days so I should still be at supraphisiological levels during this time so guessing I should continue but reduce the dossage?
Planning on taking 0.25 mg arimidex/anostrozole EOD also just to stave off any chance of gyno.
After cycle , take 2 weeks off from all drugs and start PCT on nolvadex for 4wks 40/40/20/20 QD
While I’m not bothered by needles and blood at all, I have no actual experience with injecting. Planning on doing it in quads. Any advice?
Also I’m a merchant navy guy so basically my intent is to do the main cycle while at home(usually 10-12 weeks) and then continue my PCT onboard ship. It’s easier to sneak some nolvadex through airports than syringes and several vials of test and hcg
Looking forward to any input you guys might have.
P.S. reading arround a bit i also found prisoner22’s stasis/taper method. This seems a bit too involved and difficult for someone with limited pinning experience but I’m willing to give it a go if it’s considered to be a better solution.
That being said it’s also my understanding that this method is better suited when coming off more complexx cycles that involve other PED’s than straight up test E. Am i wrong?