Your Test is also at least 4X higher. It seems that for many guys as long as Test is high E2 can be high as well, just how high is the question. Your E2 is about what mine was, but my Test was much higher, so perhaps you need a bit less E2 than you have currently?
The active form of B-6, yes. It has impacts on Dopamine. I am not an expert on it, but Dopamine has impacts to Prolactin. It can be used to lower Prolactin and works for a lot of guys. Check out this thread. Towards the end, they discuss P5P. As I said, I wouldn’t start it with the Adex. See if that helps first. If all good, don’t change anything.
Are they circular tabs? If so, I use a pill cutter to quarter mine. It does kinda suck, but you only take one every 3 days, so if you quarter a pill, that lasts you almost two weeks.
HCG makes E2 management harder. I would only use it between the cycle and the PCT. If you wait 3 weeks from the end of the cycle to the PCT, I think that is enough time for the HCG to have a pretty good impact.
Can you get more Bac water? That is just a really small amount of fluid for that amount of HCG. I would think 5 mL of Bac water for 5000 iu.
It has a half life of about 30 hours. Once a week is not going to be very close to optimal. EOD is what I would do, or perhaps M,W,F. If I was doing it in the time between the cycle and the PCT, I would do like 500 EOD, to really bring the size of my balls back. What I would do, not necessarily what you should do. Don’t want to come off as giving more than what I would do, or as medical advice.