Hey guys I’m wondering if any you guys here have run test as high as 3 grams per week. Just test or sust at 3grams a week. If so how bad were the sides? And how good the gains? I’ve ran as high as 2 grams of test per week and my sides were very manageable. And the gains were pretty good. I’ve been cruising for a couple weeks and thinking about ramping up big. So any info would Help. Thanx
[quote]Animal83 wrote:
Hey guys I’m wondering if any you guys here have run test as high as 3 grams per week. Just test or sust at 3grams a week. If so how bad were the sides? And how good the gains? I’ve ran as high as 2 grams of test per week and my sides were very manageable. And the gains were pretty good. I’ve been cruising for a couple weeks and thinking about ramping up big. So any info would Help. Thanx[/quote]
HOLY SHI@At!!! Do you really NEED to use that much? I’d be curious how advanced you are to be contemplating that amount
What are you 280+ lbs and been lifting / juicing for 10-20years?
Seems extreme to me but I think 1gram is huge, lol
Nuts!! That does sound insanely high. Just be careful about your organs dude. A buddy of mine used to run doses around 1000-1500… Not saying this is the reason… But he now has leukemia.
Wish you the best. But I would never even consider that.
[quote]Reed wrote:
Why would you even start to bring that up^^[1]
Only because I think we don’t think about consequences sometimes when seeking gains. This sounds like an insane dose, and just saying to be cautious that’s all.
Everything we put in has a consequence. Everything in moderation.
That’s all. So I apologize if my statement was at all offensive.
/quote ↩︎
I understand. If you had brought up heart failure I wouldn’t have said a thing but a disease that in no way has ever been linked to AAS use come on man. I know a vegetarian who got stomach cancer so obviously eating vegetable can give you cancer. Get what I’m saying.
Okay… I’m not as well researched on gear as most here. So my statement may have been asinine. So again sorry if it bothered you. I’d delete it if there was a button for that.
Just trying to look out for my fellows.
I understand I’m not aggravated. Only reason I say anything is because there are alot of people googling and seeing these boards and had I or some one not said something then some one would see that and next thing you know every idiot is now saying AAS makes your dick little, have roid rage and now Leukemia lol. Comments like that are what cause uneducated people to become even less educated in what they are trying to learn about.
[quote]Reed wrote:
I understand I’m not aggravated. Only reason I say anything is because there are alot of people googling and seeing these boards and had I or some one not said something then some one would see that and next thing you know every idiot is now saying AAS makes your dick little, have roid rage and now Leukemia lol. Comments like that are what cause uneducated people to become even less educated in what they are trying to learn about. [/quote]
Sure man, I get that. I only said it at all because when he was diagnosed that was the first thing I considered.
So you educated me just now…as well as everyone else that reads this.
I’ve run 2000mgs before the gains were good. I was just asking if anyone has run 3 grams weekly. And no I’m not 280 plus pounds and no I haven’t been running gear for 10 years
I think you should do it. Ten years since your last cycle? 3g of test would do something quite considerable, I’d imagine.
[quote]Reed wrote:
Next thing you know every idiot is now saying AAS makes your dick little, [/quote]
Ah, so that’s what happened to my penis.
I didn’t say I haven’t run gear in 10 years. I said I haven’t been running gear for 10 years
What stats exactly would you like? Weight body fat? Or cycle stats?i value your opinion
Just as much info as possible will help.
body fat
a pic crop your face out
Cycle history.
just trying to get a feel for what is going on and why suck the dose
Just as much info as possible will help.
body fat
a pic crop your face out
Cycle history.
just trying to get a feel for what is going on and why suck the dose
[quote]Animal83 wrote:
I didn’t say I haven’t run gear in 10 years. I said I haven’t been running gear for 10 years[/quote]
run 4g then
31years old. 5’8" 207 pounds. Probably 8-9% body fat. Been running gear for 3 years. Been on permanently for last 2 years. Ran deca. Tren. Primo. Winni. . Masteron. Most of the big orals. Just wanna get big. Bodybuilding looking but don’t have plans to Compete. Also ran hgh twice. First time 4 month second time 6 months.
Pretty Jack’d!
Thanx reed. Appreciate the info buddy. I leave the man stuff (powerlifting) to you !