I am 30 and in this midst of marital problems and actively looking for help to fix my low energy, libido and ED issues. Been a problem for 3 yrs (ED - sporadic) and 5 yrs + for general lower sex drive. I had some blood work done last year and was given the “normal range” bullshit. I am currently working with a doctor friend to find a new PCP to work WITH me in getting to the bottom of everything with new lab work and a team plan of action.
Total T: 491 ng/dl
TSH: 1.45
Age: 30
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 195
Waist: 33
Body / Facial Hair: Light torso, more dense on legs, patchy facial. Slight balding at front corners
Carry fat: around midsection, stomach and above hips.
Symptoms, conditions history: Vitamin D deficiency in 2012 put on Vit D-3 2000 units/day. (No clue where current levels are.) ED off and on for 3 years with no noticeable event where it began.
Diet: Pretty standard. Not much fast food, high protein, fair amount of carbs with too many sweets, not any kind of fat free diet or fasting.
Training: Weights 3 times a week for about 1.5 hours per. Walk/jog 2-3 miles 5 days / wk.
Wood: Rare morning wood, haven’t noticed nocturnally at all. Used to be pretty consistent with a morning wood.
Grow fast or slow and steady as teen: Same height since 8th grade
Testes ache or hurt (ever?): Sporadically and rare.
Mood: Lack confidence, mild to moderate anxiety, slightly irritable.
Depression: Yes, mild to moderate.
Libido: Low. Been that way for a while (read 5+ years). Sex 2-4 times per week with wife and ED problems have been an issue.
Iodized Salt: Not a lot of cooking at home, so not much iodized salt being used there.
Eat much seafood: No
Exposure to chemicals?: None that I am aware of.
Hair Loss drugs: Rogaine use for a few months, no results so I ceased.
Rx and OTC drugs: One a day multivitamin. Excedrin for headaches.
WBC 6.8 4.0 - 11.0 THOUS/CMM
RBC 5.07 4.4 - 6.0 MILL/CMM
Hemoglobin 15.0 13.5 - 17.5 GM/DL
Hematocrit 42.9 41.0 - 51.0 %
MCV 84.6 80 - 99 FL
MCH 29.6 25.0 - 35.0 PG/CELL
MCHC 35.0 32.0 - 36.0 G/DL
RDW 13.0 <15.0 %
Platelets 234 140 - 440 THOUS/CMM
MPV 10.3 9.0 - 12.2 FL
I have been monitoring my body temps for the last 5 days with an average waking temperature of 97.1 and an average mid day temp of 97.9. I haven’t started taking any supplements to try and address any of this yet.
Any input on a current course of action would be GREATLY appreciated. Iodine supplements starting before or after blood work? ED med’s? I’ve been on the 25mg viagra before with minimal success for the ED. Getting desperate here…my wife is becoming convinced that I’m just not in to her and that’s why the problems. Love her to death and just want to go back to feeling like my self again.