Hey guys,
New here. I went to a age management specialist for multiple symptoms including body fat around my mid section, low libido, limp noodle in morning. It’s long story but I’ve had other testing done such as mri due to dizziness but it came back normal. They think it’s a loose crystal in my ear and it makes sense because I get the dizziness only when I tilt my head back or lay on my left side. The part that has me worried is I get shaky if I don’t eat enough throughout the day or hydrate enough. Anyways… here are some of my labs.
Cortisol 14.4
Igf1 188
Test 300
Free test 20.4
LH 9
Prolactin 41.1
DHEA 827
SHBG 26.7
Estradiol 26.1
So my test is on the low end of normal. My prolactin is high due to some meds I take and my dhea is high but not sure why, probably from my diet.
So I was sent to an endo for further testing, he wanted to do another blood test and also an mri of my head. I declined his treatment because I am a little low on money and I just recently had an mri done at a different facility for the dizziness.
What are your guys thoughts on this? Should I go through with his testing? I am 30 yo male, 228lb and 18% body fat and want TRT so I can get the body I deserve and Increased libido. Thanks