3 Weeks Into Test-Tren Cycle. Do I Need Arimidex?

I am in the 3rd week of Test e 250mg and Tren e 400mg a week. I haven’t felt any high E symptoms yet so I haven’t been taking arimidex. Should I still be taking it without noticing any symptoms. If yes, how much?

Is this your first cycle?


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Arimadex is an aromatase inhibitor. Tren doesn’t aromatize. Ask yourself … do you need it on 250mg of test per week without any symptoms?

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good to have on hand regardless

Kind of like penicillin?

Lol wat?

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Happy birthday mate! Hope it’s a fantastic day :slight_smile: How’s the physique looking? How’s progress in the gym been?

(I said happy birthday as the cake is/was on you’re avatar, indicating perhaps it’s youre birthday) @weightliftingwithoutlimits

You’re what, like 28 now? (Oooooooolllllllllddddd)

Making a joke… well I thought it was funny anyway LOL

When it comes to AI, I was always told to wait for side effects of high E2 or prolactin. That being said, if I think about that, Ill start looking for sides, and then next thing i know Im feeling some manifestation of sides, most likely all in my head. Blood tests are always recommended mid cycle for this very reason. Someone just reccommended me for a BT as I am wondering about my prolactin from hgh and tren a cycle…

In short, I was always told to wait until sides appear before taking adex.

Only take an AI if:

  • You have high E2 symptoms; AND
  • You have a blood test that confirms your E2 is too high

Otherwise you may lower your E2 too much (believe me, it’s too easy to do this using an AI - in fact, it’s very hard to find a good dose of an AI that doesn’t lower E2 too much). Low E2 is a LOT worse than high E2.

that is correct