Had these suggested to me. Still use for IM injections?
No way they will reach the muscle, They are for SQ injections. Read Protocol in the stickies it goes over everything.
There are a lot of conversations on the board about the subject. If you are very lean and shooting in your quad, or glute it will still be IM (somewhat). If you want to be sure it’s IM go for the delt.
I have been using it in the glute, and I don’t get that little pocket that I get in my stomach when I shoot the whole pin. YMMY.
[quote]cobra003 wrote:
No way they will reach the muscle, [/quote]
You might want to take this advice as well, since the stickey directly covers using 29 gauge, half inch, 0.5 cc insulin pins, which is, coincidentally, what the OP asked about.
Sorry guys I have read through the sticky but it has been some time and I missed the part about those pins. Now another question that has to do with those who actually do this, have any of you seen any drawbacks to doing Sub Q injections?
From what I have read (inc Sticky) it may help get a more steady dose of test into the system vs spikes from IM injections.
Just asking those who have done it their opinion.
[quote]Toshiero wrote:
Sorry guys I have read through the sticky but it has been some time and I missed the part about those pins. Now another question that has to do with those who actually do this, have any of you seen any drawbacks to doing Sub Q injections?
From what I have read (inc Sticky) it may help get a more steady dose of test into the system vs spikes from IM injections.
Just asking those who have done it their opinion. [/quote]
No drawbacks that I know of. I inject in the stomach, same place I did chemo shots several years back, so I am comfortable with it. There should be enough fat there where you don’t go into the muscle. If not you can pinch it up to keep from going into deep. I guess some guys do SQ in the quads and maybe other places.
When I was on I’M injections they were every 2 weeks. So when I switched to SQ I felt a hell of lot better. No roller coaster of emotions, etc, and no soreness.
IM with a 23g 1.5in in the glute and IM with 29g .5in the glute seems to have a faster absorption rate for me.
Using the 29g that way, I know I get to the muscle, but not as deep, and its less sore than the 23g.
I had to travel a month back, and I gave myself the entire weeks worth in one, 100mg shot into my stomach, it puffed up on day two and was irritated and red for a few days after, it literally took three weeks to dissipate 100%. So, if you are going to do sub-q be sure you are breaking your weekly does down to at least 2 injects.
It makes sense that the more you inject at once, the greater the potential for discomfort…but I wonder if the response to SQ doesn’t depend more critically on the inert vehicle used for compounding–ie., the oil.
I switched to SQ with my 200 mg/mL cyp from Paddock Labs, sourced in 1mL green-top vials. That’s a cottonseed oil base with benzyl alcohol and benzyl benzoate preservatives. I haven’t had the slightest adverse reaction to semi-weekly 66mg (0.33mL) belly shots of this, which I do with a 31g 0.5cc 5/16" pin (tolerable load time, if you warm the oil to body temp). Although I haven’t tried it (yet), it’s hard to imagine a 0.50 mL/100mg-sized shot being all that much different.
Do all the Rx cyp/enth formulations use cottonseed oil, or is there some variability? It’s certainly something I’d wonder about if I were buying grey-market/overseas pharmacy gear…
I’m pretty sure the base oil is the same for all pharm-grade stuff. Anything you get from the gym or overseas certainly has the potential to be different.
FWIW, I switched to SQ in the stomach about three weeks ago. I swear I feel better, but it could just be placebo. My libido is def better, though. There’s no making that up. I use 29g 1/2" 1ml pins (I don’t have any 0.5ml pins at the moment, but my next order will be the .5ml ones).
Many inject with that syringe SC EOD and the volume is then very small. If your skin is thin, you can inject IM. If some leaks back it is SC.
I did that to IM for a long time, and my muscles became hard/firm and looked wrong. That has cleared up with SC.
There is no need for decades of IM muscle damage, SC gets the job done and T levels are steadier.
Note that T pellets are not IM and transdermal is not IM. Injected T is 100% delivery in any case.