Hello there, 27M here.
April last year, I contacted my family doctor cause of low/no libido, very little motivation, no drive and very low libido, I wanted to check my testosterone levels.
We did so, it came back: 9.1nmol (ref range 8.6-35nmol).
He said that I was in reference range so it was no problem, I asked him to be sent to a endocrinologist to be sure, he sent me there.
Some months later, I did blood work for the first meeting with my endocrinologist, It came back:
Testosterone: 5nmol (ref 8.6 - 35nmol)
LH: 6.0 (ref 1.0-10)
FSH: 2.0 (ref 1.0-9)
SHBG: 19nmol (10-50)
Prolactin: 528miu/L (i think)
At the meeting with my endo, I explained my low libido, I couldnt have sex, I had very little energy and my self confidence was down.
She asked me to take my shirt off to check out my muscle mass, I did and she said I had alot of muscle mass so It was weird how my testosterone could be low. I explained that I had been working out for like 10 years, three workouts every week.
She seemed sceptical, but she said she wanted to do a MRI on my hpta cause my prolactin was high, so I had to wait some months for my MRI.
I waited three months, then I did my MRI. Two weeks after I did another blood test checking the hormones yet again.
Today after many months, my endo call me and say, MRI didnt show no tumours, so that was good. My testosterone remained low, this time:
Testosterone: 6.0 (8.6-35nmol)
LH: 6.0 (1.0-10)
FSH: 2.0 (1.0-9)
Prolactin: 280miU/L
SHBG: 20nmol (10-50)
Then she tells me: “Lets be honest now, I do believe you use steroids to push your testosterone down before the blood tests, to get testosterone replacement therapy”, I told her I absolutely did not. She told me that I had too much muscle mass to be testosterone deficient and that was very very weird and shouldnt happen.
I told her I built all my muscle mass several years ago when I felt fine, and now I dont build any muscle no more, only maintain. (My muscle mass isnt really super good, I mean I can bench 200lbs for 1 rep).
She told me she didnt believe me and that I probably cheated to get testosterone replacement therapy, but then she told me she could sent me to YET ANOTHER endocrinologist, and that I had to wait for another appointment.
Can anyone make any sense of this? I mean, I know for sure I have never taken any steroids, but Ive read you can have low T yet a decent muscle mass. The problem for me isnt really my body, its that I have no mental strenght no more, like semi-depressed, no libido, cant almost get a boner and I feel no drive for nothing.
Input anyone?