27 Years Old 187lbs

Really thinking about trying my luck at the mens physique division of two local NANBF contests this summer. Late July and early August specifically. I am 6’1"

Sorry no leg shots, these were all had from recently. Going to try and get some good lighting/angle shots today full body.

How did your first pic come out clear but none of the rest? You should retake all pics and include legs otherwise your rating isn’t going to be as high and your feedback is going to be crappy. You seem fairly balanced and while I don’t know a lot about physique, I have seen a few shows and I think the winners usually come in with a little more muscle mass than that. Hard to tell with your pictures.

Spend a few more years building muscle then maybe give it a go. Your arms look almost untrained, and you have really bad insertions and muscle bellies there as well (my problem too). It takes us quite awhile for most of us tall guys to fill out. Good luck.

Taken today just before heading out to the gym tonight. As of this AM for my weekly weigh in and body comp. I am 6’1.5" tall, 191lbs and 10.1% bodyfat based on a BIA done fasted first thing in the AM as always. I use the BIA to gauge change more then the actual number it shows. Pictures tell me more then the BIA does. I will note that LBM gains still acts as my primary objective. If I get stronger as well, great but size is the primary goal period. Been following a diet/training plan as follows for 4 weeks now:

~2900 calories
~200g carbs (50g pre lift, 150g post list) (100g max on HIIT days)
~100g fats
5-6 meals per day

Lift 5 days per week, HIIT cardio 2 days a week.

Okay, if someone isn’t gonna tell him, guess I will. You need a FIRM reality check. You’re skinny as fuck. Dramatically increase those calories ffs and lift.

^ He’s right. Good discipline for dieting down and getting “lean”, and good courage for considering a show.

You need to lift and eat.

Been using Lyle McDonalds dietary recomendations for lean mass gains (conservative end) since Jan this year. I have made steady gains in every major lift from then till now so I am happy with that. I would like to see more size come with it as well but its a slow going process as a 6’1" ecto. Based on his numbers I could go to 3500 calories with a breakdown of 95f/350c/285p with 1-2 days of low fats and 570g carbs. Seems pretty damn high but it seems to work wonders for many hard gainers and tall ectos who follow the plan as well. I myself am not big on sudden and drastic changes to training or diet. Thats just me for better or worse.

Dude you’ve made 4 months of progress in 4 years. You need to eat food.

Yeah you need to not worry about gaining a little extra fat to gain the mass. You need to eat a lot lot more. You seem semi balanced but haven’t made much of any progress.

[quote]jerometjosvold wrote:
Yeah you need to not worry about gaining a little extra fat to gain the mass. You need to eat a lot lot more. You seem semi balanced but haven’t made much of any progress. [/quote]

Fat is not my concern trust me. In fact I have done a formal eating contest/challenge at some place around town every Saturday for 7 weeks in a row now. Giant Burgers, Carrot Cake, Monster Burritos, Lasagna etc…you name it I have done it somewhere over the past 7 weeks. Now granted its one meal a week but the fact that I do eat these kinds of huge meals each week shows I am not concerned about gaining body fat.

Size is what I want but I want it to be done in a healthy and tactical manner. Getting sloppy is not an excuse to get big. I mean what kind of progress is it to just get bigger (more muscle) and become a slob with hypertension and high cholesterol?

i know you doing your own thing here but if you want to build on that upper body you gotta cut out HIIT. If you still want to get the same benefits as interval training without loosing muscle combine a circuit workout with german volume training. such as 10 pullups 10 pushups 10 leglifts(or 20 mtn climbers) and 10 jumps squats, then do that circuit 10 times with minimal rest. that alone will build muscle. try to complete it under ten min.

[quote]therickuss wrote:
i know you doing your own thing here but if you want to build on that upper body you gotta cut out HIIT. If you still want to get the same benefits as interval training without loosing muscle combine a circuit workout with german volume training. such as 10 pullups 10 pushups 10 leglifts(or 20 mtn climbers) and 10 jumps squats, then do that circuit 10 times with minimal rest. that alone will build muscle. try to complete it under ten min. [/quote]

This sounds fun as hell to be frank…I’d rather do this then elliptical/bike intervals any day since thats all I have done 2x a week every week for about 9-10 weeks now. Its a kick ass cardio workout without question and great for the CVS but at the same time I feel I respond much to strongly to HIIT in regard to metabolism boosts and weight loss. Anything I can do to keep the good and remove the bad (weight loss) is good in my book.

I look into something like what you describe. Thanks for suggestions!

You Don’t have to get sloppy but steadily gaining 1-2lbs a week would be a good place to start…

There are a surprising number of people who choose to make no gains for months and continue to look like they don’t even lift rather than eat food.

I have hired Marc Lobliner of Machine Training Solutions to oversee my diet with me for the next several months at least. Someone to act as a 3rd objective eye on my progress (or lack there of). Just sent him my stats and info, and these pictures yesterday. I am anxious to see what he changes or adjust based on what he sees.

Maybe this will help. Nate Green to the rescue!


Assuming your diet is what you say it is you may still need more calories to build muscle. If your planning on entering a show then you need to lower your carbs and fat. However after the show or if you don’t enter it the single biggest mistake you are making is HIT. Stop now, it is great for people who already have the muscle and went to tone up, but if you don’t have the bellies it just makes you look slimmer and reduces the effects of the pump you get from resistance training.

[quote]Airtruth wrote:
Assuming your diet is what you say it is you may still need more calories to build muscle. If your planning on entering a show then you need to lower your carbs and fat. However after the show or if you don’t enter it the single biggest mistake you are making is HIT. Stop now, it is great for people who already have the muscle and went to tone up, but if you don’t have the bellies it just makes you look slimmer and reduces the effects of the pump you get from resistance training. [/quote]

No plans of doing a show what so ever for a long time. I want to and need to gain 12-15lb at my height of 6’2’’ to even consider dieting down for a show as a natural. Sad part is, I was 220 my senior year of high school with very general lifting and a basic diet of 4-5 meals. Sports based training for football and wrestling was all I did. Been losing weight ever since despite eating better and training more specific for aesthetics and size vs sports performance. Stronger then ever now however so thats a plus.

Marc should be able to help me on the size aspects now so will see where he takes me with that.

[quote]therickuss wrote:
i know you doing your own thing here but if you want to build on that upper body you gotta cut out HIIT. If you still want to get the same benefits as interval training without loosing muscle combine a circuit workout with german volume training. such as 10 pullups 10 pushups 10 leglifts(or 20 mtn climbers) and 10 jumps squats, then do that circuit 10 times with minimal rest. that alone will build muscle. try to complete it under ten min. [/quote]
Yeah let him do some more fatburning stuff. LOL’D @ german volume training

Its very simple. Compound lifting and Calories…