Hello all,
I’ve felt pretty crappy for a long time. I’ve always been a bit behind developmentally, and way fatter than my friends with much worse diets and lower exercise levels, but despite that I’ve been able to get stronger and competed in PL a bit (never did look like I picked up a damn weight in my life though).
Lately my depression, fatigue, brain fog, irritability and low libido have been so bad that my job and marriage are in jeopardy, so I did a lot of reading and went to my GP to get some tests ran. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt before assuming he was an idiot, but of course he only measured total T, TSH, CMP, CBC, and lipids. Total T came back very low, and the nurse I talked to on the phone said that I could come in and start TRT shots right away.
Testosterone 192 (300-1000)
TSH 2.329 (0.4-4.2)
Hydroxy 25 Vitamin D3 76.2 (10-80) [I supplement with 5k IU ED]
Sodium 141 (135-145)
Potassium 4.2 (3.5-5.5)
Chloride 107 (98-108)
CO2 27 (22-29)
Anion Gap 7
Glucose 83 (70-99)
BUN 21 (5-20)
Creatinine 1.15 (0.8-1.4)
Calcium, Total 9.4 (8.5-10.5)
Protein, Total 7.3 (6.7-8.6)
Albumin 4.3 (3.5-5.0)
Alkaline Phosphatase 92 (25-125)
ALT (SGPT) 33 (0-45)
AST 28 (15-41)
Bilirubin Total 0.7 (0-1)
Estimated GFR (MDRD) >60
Cholesterol 140 (0-200)
Triglycerides 30 (0-150)
HDL 48
Total CHOL/HDL Ratio 3
LDL (Calculated) 86 (0-100)
WBC 7.0 (4.5-11.5)
RBC 4.89 (4.6-6.0)
Hemoglobin 15.0 (14-18)
Hematocrit 44.8 (40-54)
MCV 92 (80-94)
MCH 30.6 (26-32)
MCHC 33.5 (32-36)
RDW 12.4 (11.5-14.5)
PLT 236 (150-450)
MPV 8.4 (6.3-9.6)
I wasn’t happy with being sent straight to shots when I knew from research (I am an engineer, I research and analyze things to death) that things like secondary hypogonadism exist, so I referred myself to a urologist, who ran a few more tests (but refused to test SHBG or E2).
Testosterone 278 (300-1000) [first round of testing was around noon, this was at 8:30 AM]
FSH 2.1 (1-12)
LH 2.6 (2-12)
Prolactin 6.6 (2-15)
He told me my pituitary activity was “normal” (are you fucking kidding me? yes it’s technically in range, but LH should be through the roof trying to get my T up…) BUT agreed with me that, at my young age, I should try to restart natural production before starting TRT, and referred me to a different urologist (who specializes in fertility, not exactly my issue but should know about things like clomiphene and hCG/hMG… we will see if I finally receive quality care or not). That appointment is on July 3. In the meantime, I went back to my GP to test adrenals and thyroid in more detail - he clearly thought I was being a hypochondriac, but I basically told him it was for my own peace of mind and he agreed to order the tests. I have a family history of Hashi’s, so I wanted to be damn sure about thyroid.
TSH 2.619 (0.4-4.2)
FT3 3.3 (1.5-3.5)
RT3 279 (90-350)
FT4 1.0 (0.6-1.5)
TPO <0.3 (0-9) [I asked for Tg but it didn’t get tested]
DHEAS 106 (80-560) [this throws up a red flag to me]
Cortisol 24H Urine 15 (3.5-45) [he said they don’t do the 4 sample saliva test]
I was kind of confused by how good my thyroid numbers look despite my TSH > 2.
My gameplan is to try to get my next doctor to try a SERM restart, and if that fails then hCG monotherapy + monitoring E2. I guess my main question til then would be if it would be worthwhile to supplement DHEA since mine is at the dead bottom of the range? Also what about pregnenolone? My GP doesn’t think they’re problematic, but he’s an idiot and there’s OTC supplementation available.
Thanks for reading, I will keep this thread updated.