So before I started TRT I got 2 lab results, with Testosterone ranging from 280-300. E2 level of 32 I think. Did not have LH/FSH tested at the beginning.
I have now been on 6 weeks of only Testosterone. The dosage has been 100mg of Testosterone Enanthate split up into 2 doses twice a week. I have noticed a shrinkage of testicles, which I know is to be expected when not injecting HCG.
I have noticed more energy, more morning erections, fuller erections and a higher frequency of libido. I haven’t noticed many other benefits and or side effects.
The reason I even investigated TRT was very low energy and no sex drive and few involuntary erections. Also, difficulty focusing and days of low energy were accompanied by massive brain fog.
The new lab results are a bit surprising to me.
FSH/LH are less than 0.1 which confirms with the testicle shrinkage I have been injecting Testosterone.
Estradiol was 35.8 pg/mL so a small increase. Testosterone went up to 406. So a much smaller increase than I was expecting at this dosage. I will attach my initial labs before starting TRT.
I am having Iodized salt every morning. My thyroid and SHGB from the first lab seemed fine. I am concerned why my Testosterone and Estradiol levels have only squeaked up after 6 weeks. My Estradiol to Testosterone ratio also seems quite bad which could hinder some of the benefits I may receive?
Is there another deeper issue of why my body is barely responding to the injections? I had the labs done 3-4 days after my last injection and I injected after I gave the blood. Believe this is called the trough period.