I’ve gotten some work done and want to post my lab results that I have so far, to make sure I’m on the right track going forward.
TT: 380ng/dL first time (250 - 1100)
FT: 80pg/mL first time (35 - 155)
*FT Direct: 5pg/mL (9.3 - 26.5) - tested this on a separate test than TT and FT
TSH: 2.1 (0.4 - 5)
T3 Free: 3.02 (2 - 4.4)
LH: 6.4 (1.7 - 8.6)
FSH: 3.2 (1.5 - 12.4)
*Prolactin: 31.8 (4 - 15.2)
Morning Temp: 98.1
Afternoon Temp: 98.6
-age: 25
-height: 6’1"
-waist: ~34
-weight: 210
-describe body and facial hair: facial isn’t the thickest but not bad. normal body hair
-describe where you carry fat and how changed: normal distribution. mainly on abs/waist, always has been when i’ve been at a higher bf%
-health conditions: never had anything other than this
-Rx and OTC drugs: never
-describe diet: started moderate deficit in the last week. other than that eggs, veggies, meat, cottage cheese, peanut butter, bread and your occasional alcohol/junk
-describe training: 3x/week weights, nothing special volume/intensity wise. run/bike a couple miles once or twice a week too
-testes ache, ever, with a fever: kind of remember this one time when I was like 15, never again
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed: notice nocturnal sometimes if i wake up, but almost never have morning wood or random daily erections anymore. used to frequently
-Brain fog, no one knows what that means but everyone knows if they have it!: don’t think so
-Social withdrawal - “I would rather not go out”: noticeable impact
-Why do I have boobs? This really is depressing if prolactin is the cause!: no
-Why do I carry fat like a woman?: no
-Why am I a moody bitch?: no
-Can’t get it up?: big issue
-It is up, now it’s gone.: yep
-Why do really hot looking women and girls now look like art instead of lust?: haha definitely art nowadays
-Loss of hair on lower legs, skin below the knees is smooth and shiny.: have had hairy legs since 4th grade
-Why do I feel cold easily or all of the time?: no
-Why do really stressful situations leave me feeling physically beat up. Adrenal fatigue.: i don’t get stressed much at all, if so, no
-Dry skin, brittle hair and nails: no
-Skin on the back of hand is thin, crinkly. Pinched skin does not recover: no
-Gum disease, the ugly killer: no
-Why do I have a chronic cough [when taking a statin drug]: no
-I have visual field disturbances such as reduced peripheral vision: no
-My joints have started to ache: no
-I am not depressed, I just don’t care about anything, no joy, no motivation, no reward: absolutely
I also had panels done for metabolic/lipid/blood counts and everything was in range for what that’s worth.
The pituitary MRI came back negative and my current doctor wants to me visit an endocrinologist. What are your thoughts based off of the blood work I’ve done so far? What other blood work do you recommend? I know that I should get an E2 test with a sensitive assay. How about a more comprehensive thyroid?
I’m guessing that they’ll probably put me on cabergoline to lower prolactin. Does anybody know the success rate of caber keeping prolactin down permanently? I’m wondering if I have to stay on it forever or if temporary use can lead to permanent results.
Then I’m guessing we’ll check testosterone and everything else again and if its good, keep an eye on things down the road. If it sucks, try clomid. And if that doesn’t work, TRT? Assuming thyroid is good, is that the course I’d likely be following?