Hi KSman, thank you so much for the info.
Let me give you my full situation.
5’11" 138lbs
28" waist
Issues began when I was about 18 years old
Had an MRI and everything was completely normal
Mainstream doctors have been essentially no help with my symptoms and chalk it all up to ‘depression’.
I chose to omit some details but you seem like an open minded, intelligent guy, so I will give you the full backstory. I have mercury poisoning which I believe is causing all of these issues.
I have had a history of occasional spiking bilirubin(as high as 1.8) and clinically I have a lot of liver issues.
I do not use iodized salt. I use sea salt only. I will switch over starting today.
I have lots of other blood work, but most of it is outdated. Free test is always toward the bottom and total test is above mid range, usually around 600-750.
Cortisol lab is from 3 pm, but I awoke at 1pm. I stay up late at night. I need to change my sleep schedule asap.
If you want me to go into more details regarding the mercury poisoning, I will do so. I am usually hesitant to post about it since a lot of times you get backlash from people doubting the legitimacy, so I usually omit it. Either way, that is what is causing the pituitary dysfunction.
I urinate excessively. I crave salt to the point of eating it out of my hand and having to salt my water. I have many food intolerances and sensitivities so I eat a limited diet which consists of meat, vegetables and fruit. I have major gut dysbiosis and stool testing showed zero growth of beneficial species of bacteria. I often have poorly formed and poorly digested stool. I had a significant surgery a few years ago on my hand and the antibiotics taken orally and via IV seemed to really do a lot of damage to my already compromised gut.
Clinically my liver has never been that out of whack, aside from high bilirubin a few times.
VItamin D is around 28-30ish. I have a history of low zinc and selenium on RBC mineral testing. I don’t tolerate selenium well at all, but zinc does improve my symptoms somewhat.
I have severely low adrenal function. Saliva testing showed DHEA and testosterone low with cortisol slightly low only at night. I have been messing around with replacement cortisol and glandulars recently and they help me a lot to get through the day without crashing.
On some days something as simple as vacuuming could have me dizzy, feeling dehydrated and in bed asleep within a half hour. Sun exposure and sweating also wipes me out for a day or two.
I often awake feeling like I went through a grueling workout the day before. Muscles are really sore and feel like there is a lot of lactic acid built up, even though I was completely sedentary.
Currently I take vitamin C, Magnesium, calcium, b5, adrenal glandulars and sometimes zinc.
Cortisol clinically was never particularly low but I feel significantly better when I take some. I have been using roughly 3mg 3x per day for the last few weeks. It does help me get out of bed in the morning and get through the day.
Due to my gut issues I tend to avoid carbs. Typically if I carb load I will feel great for a few days, but by the 3rd or 4th day my gut issues will get out of control and I will have to cut them out again. The diet I follow is essentially the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, if you know what that is.
I’ve had to give up weightlifting due to these health issues. It was my passion in life pretty much before I turned 18. It sucks beyond comprehension. I have a lot of stuff going on, ultimately I believe all caused by mercury toxicity.
Thanks again for all the help! I do have a doctor I work with, but she doesn’t know everything and I know the hormonal issues are well understood by steroid using laymen, probably far better than most doctors. Take care.