Dr called told me my t was at 1090 and my estrogen was at 66
He told me to take .25mg of anastrazole, and I did
After taking it I started to get really tired and drowzy
Today I couldnt get out of bed it made me so tired and I left the gym since I had no energy
What should I do?
Do I even need to take an AI?
Stop taking the AI immediately.
Fatigue is a sign of low e2. Sounds like you over-responded.
We need your labs and protocol please.
You have a few options.
- Lower your dose a little bit, you will have less e2 conversion.
- Natural remedies to lower e2. (liver health) Warm lemon water, CDG, DIM.
Whatever you do, don’t take any more arimidex. Your SHBG and protocol will give us a better idea of what is going on.
My protocol is .4ml of 200mg test cyp twice a week
He also put me on HCG 500 2 times a week
He didnt test me for SHBG
I just took 5mg of dbol to spike up my estrogen a little bit
Whats your advice hope you can help
If im feeling amazing with the 66 estrogen do I really need an AI?
I am having the same problem right now, I was told everyone metabolizes anastrozole differently, it’s a medication and medications have side effects in the beginning. I felt like my eyes wanted to shut and had to make more effort to keep them open, it subside after a while. You may not have lowered your E2 just yet, I think it’s just your body adapting to the AI.
I was hit by a headache, fatigue, sleepiness as well. The headache disappeared rather quickly which tells me it can’t be low E2 because the headache is no more. It might be your body getting used to the AI for the first time.
I’m so confident I’m going to take it again on Sunday because I’ve had erections the whole time. No frequent urination either, it doesn’t quack like a duck, then it’s not a duck.
Think its just the adjusting? Never heard of fatigue like this though
How long have you been taking the AI? Wouldnt it just be better for the both of us to lower our testosterone dose??
I’m coming from 376 ng/dL, I think not. Lower the T dosage when T is already low isn’t the correct move, sometimes a guy just requires an AI. You on the other hand may find lowering the dosage appropriate, expect without knowing your SHBG I’m can’t say.
If SHBG is lower, then 1000 isn’t good. I don’t know about you but I want to see what I’m aiming at.
This changes things.
So you were feeling great, then just went with what the doc said?
As in, you were having no symptoms? If so, you don’t need an AI.
You had those symptoms and your still gonna take it?
Sounds terrible.
AI’s are taken when symptoms are present, why would you treat a number? I can understand your doctor treating a number.
Your t is over 1000 so you can handle a higher estradiol. Ratio is important. If your t was 600 probably different story.
If no symptoms, no ai
I feel amazing… let me just take this Arimidex… AND BOOM. You feel like shit…
This is like the 3rd one this week!
My lower back used to hurt, knees used to hurt mild B4 trt. Now no more. Except As soon as I took an ai, knees hurt when running.
An sure the combination of increasing my t and estradiol was key. My back feels great. I first pulled my back at around 30 years old and pulled it ever year or 2 after that. I used to wake up with mild back pain and had to strategically place pillows. Now no more.
Btw I started with low t and low e2. I gather I was low e2 for years.
Am 41. Started trt 7 months ago
Yes I felt good with lots of energy
I told the Dr I felt amazing I dont need an AI but he kept insisting
If I continue to take it you think ill feel better since my body might just be adjusting
Thanks guys
So your saying its important to have the correct T to E ratio to feel good
Yes. But it could be different for everyone. It make take you a few months to get dialed in. But as alpha said, it’s better to try things to avoid an AI like reducing your dose if your free t is good.
Avoid the AI is possible, I have to chose between side effects taking the AI or high E2 and I want neither.
Don’t treat the numbers, treat only symptoms.
What are your levels at? Do you feel better with high estrogen?
I actually do believe in the T:E ratio now
So very possible it has a lot to do with the ratios
Earlier my chest was burning from high estrogen, anxiety was bad. Took the AI and burning is subsiding. Low estrogen is worst, I don’t play around with ratios cause it makes my head hurt. I don’t shoot for numbers, I go by how I feel.
I see so many guys coming in here feeling great and the moment they see their numbers they are disappointed and become sad, then they leave an optimal state and change their dosage all because they don’t like their numbers.
Truly sad.