22nd Hip dominant workout + clips

Clips from today

Right click on each clip and save before watching to avoid errors!

Powerclean + PowerJerk + splitjerk, one of the better singles from today with 175lbs. Powerjerk form is much improved from before, no longer jumping forward, bar goes staright up. But I still can’t get my torso forward enough to have the bar behind my head and hips back. Lack of flexibilty <:(

Elbow lock on splitjerk not working today, form still sucks…

hear the bar squeak…


4 stage Cleanpull complex with 243lbs, 2 sets shown. Back still kinking a bit, but at least double knee rebend is working now on the pulls, but not quite as much as when I powerclean

post workout later

Whoops correct link for the 4 stage clean pulls :slight_smile:

  1. Clean Dead from floor to knee height, return bar to floor
  2. Clean Dead Pull from floor shug onto toes, return bar to knee height
  3. Clean pull from knee height to full extension, return bar to floor
  4. Clean pull from floor to full extension



Thursday 22nd January - Week 14 - Strength Speed - Day 3 - Olys and Pulls - Afternoon

Another long session. Pretty average. Ho hum

Warmup+ CoreWork+Plyos

Rest - 30secs alternating between each exercise. 1min between pairs.

1)Back Extensions x8, Twisting Back Extensions +10lbs x10

2)Incline situps with Russian twists to each side at the top - arms held outstretched x8, +10lbs x8

Ankle Jumps - Low 3x10secs, high 3x5
Bulgarian SplitSquat ISO hold - BW x 30 secs


Warmups - Used bar for a few warmup stuff
rest - 1min or so
Hang cleanpull +Hang Powerclean + frontsquat + 2 PowerJerks + 2 SplitJerks - 45lbs x2

Rest - 3mins Hookgrip on Clean

CleanPull+ Powerclean + Frontsquat+ 2 PowerJerks+2 SplitJerks - 89lbs x 2sets, 109lbs, 129lbs
CleanPull + Powerclean + PowerJerk + 2 SplitJerks - 155lbs x 2sets
CleanPull + Powerclean + PowerJerk + SplitJerks - 175lbs x 5 sets

Power jerks was mostly ok, but SplitJerk was really bad. Sigh…

4 Stage CleanPull

  1. Clean Dead from floor to knee height, return bar to floor
  2. Clean Dead Pull from floor shug onto toes, return bar to knee height
  3. Clean pull from knee height to full extension, return bar to floor
  4. Clean pull from floor to full extension

Warmups - 196lbs
rest - 2mins HookGrip on all sets

243lbs x 4 sets

Weight felt ok, couldn’t really power it up though. I don’t do these as well as the snatch grip version, something about the narrow grip stuffs me up.

Bits and Pieces

SnatchGrip Behind the Neck PushPress
Warmup - Fullsquat Snatch press 45x8, SnatchGrip Behind the Neck PushPress 95x5, 115x5, Frontsquat 95x5

Tempo 20X1 rest 1min

125lbs 4x3 - 5second lockout hold on last rep of each set
Lowered under control till halfway down and the dropped on traps, bending legs to absorb shock - reset after each rep.

Full Olysquats - RAW
Tempo 10X0 Rest - 1min
125lbs x5, 185lbs 2x5

Reverse Back Extensions
Tempo 1010 BW x10

Full Squat ISO hold
BW x 1.5 mins

Then layed over a swiss ball face down to stetch out the erectors and open up the spine for a couple of mins


Man, ask the gym to play some more hardcore music. It sounds like too “peaceful” like. … If there is even music :frowning:

Well the music is quieter on that side of the gym, and the camera mic doesn’t capture it well. I actually prefer it if there was no music, I like it nice and quiet :slight_smile:

Just the sound of plates rattling, bumpers bouncing and shoes smacking the platform is all I need

I notice that you not using your legs much on your high pulls, are you doing this on purpose, or like me are you over anticipating the heavier weight and changing your form as a result?


My double knee rebend doesn’t work as well on pulls just yet, but it’s getting there.

The first 2 parts of the set are just dealdifts, so no leg rebend there, but the legs work more on the 2 last parts - more proper pulls.

But like I said I do these better with a snatch grip, cleangrip I have problems with.

Then again seeing how the German and Chinese olylifters do heavy deadlift pulls, with totally differnet form to the proper lifts who knows :slight_smile:

My double knee bend is doing the same thing. I’m fixing it by doing jump high pulls.

I think I might just do them slower first, keep ing smooth and flowing and then speed up as I get better