Hey guys seeking advice here. Been to mens health clinics, endos, uros, etc. and I’m left with my last resort being to tank my levels so I can be treated.
I’ve been trying to pinpoint the reason for my low T and I feel like it’s due to me using an SSRI called lexapro for 2 months, but before that I used effexor for 2 months as well. I started using these after being prescribed them because I had a concussion and I was severely depressed during recovery. I sleep walk and fell a good height onto the back of my head.
After using lexapro and stopping cold turkey I’ve been plagued with brain fog, low motivation, low energy, concentration issues, and the reason why I even figured out something was wrong with my hormones, low libido. I had ED trying to get it on with my girl and ran to the doctor the next day. Over 2 years now I’ve had many different blood tests and opinions and all the doctors seem convinced I’m fine.
Bloods 1 year apart:
Estradiol: 98 pmol/L (ref < 159)
SHBG: 19 (12 - 60 nmol/L)
Test: 13.5 nmol/L (8.4 - 28.8)
Free Test: 399 pmol/L (196-636)
Prolactin: 5.1 ug/L (4.0-19.0)
1 year later:
TSH: 1.72 0.32-4.00 mIU/L
Free T4: 11 9-19 pmol/L
Free T3: 4.5 2.6-5.8 pmol/L
Prolactin: HI 20.8 4.0-19.0 ug/L
Estradiol 66 <162 pmol/L
DHEA: 10.9 <15.0 umol/L
Test: 14.5 8.4 - 28.8 nmol/L
Free T: 455 196-636 pmol/L
SHBG: 12.3 10.0 - 70.0 nmol/L
Throughout these years (2) my test has been as low as 12.8 nmol/L, highest 14.5 nmol/L.
I’m 6ft, 180 lbs. Was given HCG monotherapy with a mens clinic, worked for everything except libido, was very expensive as well and I couldn’t afford it so I decided to stop and seek TRT through the doctor. Before HCG I was 162 lbs, after I was 180lbs. 500 IU 2x weekly. Stayed on for 4 months. I also worked out before, during, and after treatment about 3-5 times a week.
I didn’t include the HCG bloodwork, the first bloodwork is much before treatment and the last one is much after.
Labs as of last week
TSH: 2.47 0.32-4.00 mIU/L
Free T4: 13 9-19 pmol/L
Thyroglobulin Antibody
12 < 40 kIU/L
Thyroperoxidase Antibody
<9 < 35 kIU/L
FSH:5.0 1.0-8.0 IU/L
LH: 3.0 1.0-7.0 IU/L
Test: 12.8 8.4 - 28.8 nmol/L
Every doctor I see says my endocrine system is fine (except the mens clinic which under no circumstances would give me actual TRT) and the problem is something else, most likely my concussion. I’m seeking some advice on what to do at this point.
Thanks in advance.