21 years old
15ish% bodyfat
no previous AAS or prohormone usage
did my lab tests last week, just waiting for the results and will post them up here. just curious if anybody has any guesses just based on symptoms, if not i can wait until i post the numbers up for the proper assessment.
Things that you can determine without lab work
Symptoms: Why are you here
-Brain fog, no one knows what that means but everyone knows if they have it! HUGE problem
-Social withdrawal - “I would rather not go out”
-Why do I have boobs? This really is depressing if prolactin is the cause!
-Why do I carry fat like a woman? inner thighs, chest, biceps, waist
-Why am I a moody bitch? get angry very easy
-It is up, now it’s gone …enough said
-My penis is numb -your nerves love T too.
-My scrotum is up-tight, gives “how are they hanging” a whole new meaning.
-Nocturnal erections -necessary but not sufficient…nope
-“morning wood” -things are working…NOPE
-Loss of hair on lower legs, shins hairy, calves losing hair
-I am not depressed, I just don’t care about anything, no joy, no motivation, no reward
-Workout and eat right (90% of the time) but still cannot build extra muscle or lose weight when i try.
-Takes an hour minimum to fall asleep at night.
-Night sweats.
-Shy, quiet personality, unless taking strong test boosters personality completely changes.
never ever feel cold, always feel too hot, even sleep with the window wide open in winter, if that makes a difference. constantly lack of energy, need 2 or 3 coffees or a couple energy drinks a day just to function. cannot get a decent workout in without caffeine. brain fog. EXTREMELY difficult to wakeup in the morning, usually hit snooze for 30-45 minutes. testicles are fairly large though, which i dont understand as far as low testosterone symptoms go. workout and eat right, friends know me as that health freak who is always in the gym, yet still wont take my shirt off because nothing is changing no matter how much i workout or how clean i eat, which screams hormonal imbalance.
lab work was done while taking a testofen/tribulus product. it was a last minute thing and didnt have time to get it out of my system. have been taking so called testosterone boosters for the past year just to function in day to day life. they make all the difference in the world. i suspect my estradiol is off the charts though. when i take mucuna puriens, a supposed prolactin inhibitor, wood is unmistakable and spontaneous so i presume my prolactin is elevated along with estradiol.
potent 2x a day multivitamin
10,000iu vitamin a
400iu vitamin e
4000iu vitamin d
2g vitamin c
b complex
2-4g fish oil
25-50mg extra zinc (30mg in multivitamin)
400-600mg magnesium citrate before bed
iodized salt
pre and intraworkout supplements (creatine, aminos, etc.)
whey powder
insulin mimicker to prevent fat gain (it works)
i cycle the following:
testofen, tribulus, tongkat, mucuna, dim, nettle root, horny goat weed, maca, catuaba, avena, muira puma, chyrsin
diet is high protein, moderate fat and moderate to lowish carbs
regardless of anything i do i havent functioned 100% or even 70% in as long as i can remember. very overweight during puberty so i presume i had a strong estrogen dominance. fairly hairy all over and am currently sporting a beard though so hair growth is not a problem.
appreciate the future help and will post numbers as soon as i get my hands on them.
any and all input is welcome. thanks!