Ive always kept a log on my phone, but i want to put it somewhere , where i can hold myself accountable , and maybe urge some others to follow/try/do the same.
I will try and log my bodyweight and bf % ( done weekly , every Friday, done in work on a machine that calculates - while not perfect and accurate atleast it gives me an idea over the month if im going up or down)
I will mainly log weight training workouts 2/3x a week . I also do MMA/Boxing/BJJ 2/3 sessions a week , which i dont log and i also walk 5miles minimum a day (into and from work mon - fri , then with mrs & dogs sat & sun) for those who gaf.
Training Maxes to Start 2020
Squat 190
FSquat 120
Deadlift 190
Bench 115
DIP 120
Hang Clean 85
SGHP 100
PBOR 100
Pullup 110
Started recording my weight in March19 when i finally hit a 200KG squat and decided to stop being fat and lazy and recomp my body for health and aesthetic reasons.
117x5 140x5 152x11 152x5
72x5 82x3 92x9 92x1
Bench (chest still a little fatigued from pullovers)
70x5 80x5 90x11 90x5
Hang clean
50x5 60x5 67x10 67x5
L sit pull-ups
Back to work after 8days off today … gonna miss these long sleeps I’ve been gifted with and not looking forward to weighing in Friday to see how much weight I’ve put on
Reading Thibs article this morning about rest/pause for more meaningfull reps/hypertrophy I’m thinking of maybe changing my ‘heavy’ day workout to incorporate it
Typically on my ‘heavy’ day ,i take 4 compound lifts and i stick to a 5/3/1 method with the last weight again for either 5/3/1 depending on the week
e.g. 5xW1/5xW2/*xW3/5xW3
So by incorporating rest/pause it would now be e.g.
5xW1/5xW2/*xW3 pause *xW3
What do you guys think? Better gains , or overkill that may effect strength/recovery?
Aaaaaaannnnnnddddd back to shit sleep again … Thursday don’t finish MMA till 2100 and can never get to sleep , my minds always ticking over thinking about how I can improve my sparring from that night … any one else get that? Anyway , made me miss my alarm so this morning was a mad rush