(I’d like to address that I’m 5ft 8, weighing around 12 stone with 13% body fat)
Hello, people. For the past 5 years I’ve been incredibly depressed because my penis stopped workings. I have very little sex drive and regularly feel fatigued, spaced out mind fogged an so forth. It all began when I noticed these “bag of worms” in my sack. I googled it at the age of 15, when my sex drive was higher and thought nothing of it. Couple of months later the symptoms then hit me.
I went to the doctors a couple of months back and had my bloods checked to see if I was lacking in any vitamins. Everything came back negative and I was pissed off. I wanted some answers and found nothing. More recently, I demanded to have my testosterone levels (after my varicocele was diagnosed) and found that my levels were 660ng/dl which even then I wasn’t happy with. Considering I’m healthy, don’t drink and exercise regularly. I decided to see whether or not I could increase my levels by eating more healthy fats, slimming up. The results shocked me. My testosterone levels had in fact plummeted down to 500ng/dl, which are the average levels of a fucking 60 year old man… This explained everything to me.
More recently, I’ve noticed that my testicles often change in size, sometimes they are stiffer and harder, whereas sometimes they are softer and smaller. Especially the left testicle as that’s where the varicocele is located.
I’ve been referred to a urologist by my GP and was told that It’d take up to another year before I am seen to. Not to mention the time that It’ll take for surgery schedules ect…
In the meantime, I’ve been looking into HCG as I’ve found out that injecting it allows for great leydig cell activation, which is responsible for the production of testosterone. I thought that this would be the safest option for me as it comes with less side effects, as appose to other testosterone replacement therapy, which can effect fertility and so forth.
I was also wondering if anyone here has had successful varicocele surgery and have had their levels improved after it?
Also, have your testicles grown?
Do you think it would be a bad idea for me to start taking HCG?
Do you think HCG would work even? Considering the varicocele raising the temperature of the testicle regardless?